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Destruction of Port Royal


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I am watching a different documentary ("Drain the Sunken Pirate City") on Foxtel Go on the tragic destruction of Port Royal.  Similar I think is probably the video below from YouTube - I have not watched it all.  Port Royal is an example (rare) of liquefaction when sand and water mix in the shaking of an earthquake to form a consistency like quicksand and the destruction and tragedy it can cause. 

The whole documentary would be very interesting for students of natural disasters - earthquake, liquefaction and tsunami and the day two thirds of Port Royal disappeared under their catastrophic influence.  Interesting too for anyone interested in history.  The documentary I am watching is available on Youtube, but the English commentary seems to be drowned out by what I think might be Russian or similar.  You can find it HERE


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Both documentaries were interesting in their own right.  "Drain The Sunken Pirate City" is focused on the actual destruction of Port Royal - the earthquake, liquefaction and the tsunamis with the destruction in the wake.  While "Best Documentary History of Port Royal Underwater City" focused mainly on the human history of Port Royal.  I am glad that I did watch both videos.

Port Royal is proposed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and the site is fascinating for many reasons.  You can read all about Port Royal generally overall on the UNESCO site: https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5430/

The planned for underwater museum will be the first of its kind in the world.  You can hear all about it on the video "Best Documentary History of Port Royal Underwater City".

As I watched the documentaries, I marvelled at the skill God has gifted to mankind to search out all about our history.  I marvelled too at the gift of curiosity granted to mankind........endless curiosity.  It is the gift of creativity that enables mankind to invent all kinds of technology in order to indulge curiosity about our world, indeed our universe.  I was awed too and gave thanks for modern technology and TV, videos etc. by which we can all learn so much about our world and universe. I am awed by our gift of sight and ability to read and hear - our senses.  Then there is the gift of music and musical creativity.............and much much more to give The Lord thanks for..........

Amazed and Awed!  Thank you Lord -

"What a piece of work is man

How noble in reason

How infinite in faculties

In form and moving

How express and admirable

In action how like an angel

In apprehension how like a god

The beauty of the world

The paragon of animals" (From William Shakespeare, Hamlet -  and the rock opera"Hair")

Deo Gratius, Laudate Dominum

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Lyrics from Hair "What a Piece of Work is Man"

"What a piece of work is man

How noble in reason

How infinite in faculties

In form and moving

How express and admirable

In action how like an angel

In apprehension how like a god

The beauty of the world

The paragon of animals


I have of late

But wherefore I know not

Lost all my mirth

This goodly frame

The earth

Seems to me a sterile promontory

This most excellent canopy

The air-- look you!

This brave o'erhanging firmament

This majestical roof

Fretted with golden fire

Why it appears no other thing to me

Than a foul and pestilent congregation

Of vapors

What a piece of work is man

How noble in reason


How dare they try to end this beauty?

How dare they try to end this beauty?

Walking in space

We find the purpose of peace

The beauty of life

You can no longer hide

Our eyes are open

Our eyes are open

Our eyes are open

Our eyes are open

Wide wide wide! "




Sitting outside on a beautiful spring night (smoking a cigarette) and the thought struck me - how stunningly amazing is it that God revealed Himself to mankind? - and in fine detail through His Son incarnate?  One God.  How stunningly amazing that we can converse freely with Him in spontaneous conversation in prayer and in total secrecy speak with Him who longs to speak with us quite personally and individually.

 Laudate Dominum - Deo Gratius.

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The underwater city I want to dive in is Alexandria. Want to so bad that I set one of my kid’s books there. Basset hound scuba diving is worth the sticker price. 

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 Do you have a link to the book please, Catherine?

Yet to read  the "raising Alexandria" from the Smithsonian.  It does look an interesting read: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/raising-alexandria-151005550/




Meanwhile, back at the ranch:


Australian version


and HERE

or even HERE

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