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You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...


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Uh... you might be when your aim screenname is directly Catholic...
Veritas27IHS -> Truth (of the Catholic Faith), 27 - perfect Trinitarian number (three to the third), IHS - Jesus!

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Guest JeffCR07

When you get home at 9:00 and decide to "quickly" check the phatmass boards.
You then look at the clock and it is currently 2:38 in the morning, and you desperately need to force yourself away from the computer and get some sleep.

Also! Everyone is talking about MSN Messenger, which I don't have. Does anyone use AIM? If anyone does, IM me at JeffCR07 (lol, im not very original, so :P ) Anyways, I hope I'll talk to someone soon!

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You might be a Catholic Nerd when...

... Your daily plan has stuff like "Sister Mary Catherine - first vows", "Theology on Tap" and "Sing at First Friday Mass" written in it.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

A few I thought of this weekend

... whenever you drive through places with which you're unfamiliar, you look out for Catholic churches so you can cross yourself in front of them.

... when you keep track of how how a Mass you go to doesn't follow the GIRM so you can write a letter to the bishop. (This wouldn't have done much good considering I went to the cathedral for mass, but no bishop).

... when instead of keeping a list of what states you've visited, you keep a list of what dioceses you've gone to Mass in.

... when you go to so many messages boards that you're not sure if IHS refers to Jesus or the Icy Hot Stuntaz.

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... during confession you hear father snoring.

... after an exchuasting Java class and during some high brow trig that you are still slightly unsure of you are trying to connect the number 42 to God.


There must be a way... THERE HAS TO BE!



10!!! Three tens!!! WHOA I HAVE A SCENT!

10=(3 [Father]+3 [Son]+3 [Holy Spirt])+1 [Greater Glory of God]

3 is the Trinity and Nine is 3x3, a holy number. 9+1=10. Prefect! 10 three times is 101010. And 101010 is Binary for 42!!!!

Rats! Mr. Wanger, ummm, I am not sure what is the square root of x.[/quote]

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... when you get all excited thinking about vacation... and all the new and different places you can go to mass!!!

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There must be a way... THERE HAS TO BE!



10!!! Three tens!!! WHOA I HAVE A SCENT!

10=(3 [Father]+3 [Son]+3 [Holy Spirt])+1 [Greater Glory of God]

3 is the Trinity and Nine is 3x3, a holy number. 9+1=10. Prefect! 10 three times is 101010. And 101010 is Binary for 42!!!!

Rats! Mr. Wanger, ummm, I am not sure what is the square root of x.[/quote]


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Piccoli Fiori JMJ


You may be considered a Catholic Nerd if you go out to IHOP with a good Catholic buddy, and you start discussing what the national pancake of the Vatican would be...

Your favorite place to shop is your Catholic Store... (Mine's called the Little Way)

You are a nerd if you have about 4 different AIM adresses ans 3 of them are Catholic... (PopeJP2Rocks, FutureNunJMJ, LausTibiChriste3) ...and then there's the random one from before you became a nerd that you use the most because all your buddies know it and you haven't done anything about switching over to a cooler one and now I am babbling on and on about nothing!


Another Nerd thing is that half way through your meal at IHOP, you just remember that you didn't say grace, and stop eating and say "Bless us, oh Lord, for these, thy gifts, which we have PARTIALLY recieved, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord, Amen." And then finish the meal and go to "New Life" Christian book store and find out there is a Christian music fest at 6 Flags on Saturday...

God Bless and Mary Protect...
Yours in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


PS... For AIM, I'm on YellowSub5370 a lot...

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Jul 6 2004, 08:09 AM'] Your favorite place to shop is your Catholic Store... (Mine's called the Little Way)
You know you're a Catholic Nerd when...

you could easily max out a credit card shopping at your Catholic Store.

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I had a dream about going to heaven once. Only it was really disappointing and I woke up depressed. I was SO glad it was just a dream! :P

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Andrea348, I could definatly do that, and I'd but 3 of everything to give to my buddies! Oh, geez, don't give me ideas! I might actually do that!

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ


That's a lot of posts! Not to mention tired fingers!

Edited by FutureNunJMJ
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