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The Pastor's Corner Of The Bulletin Today...


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Ah, the topic of summer dress.

In the Pastor's Corner of today's bulletin, Fr. Mike wrote about the dress code for summer attendance at Mass. Here are a few excerpts I thought were interesting:

[i]Many people say that "God doesn't care what we look like; He's just glad we're there." I'm sure there is a lot of truth to that statement, though I've never interviewed God on the subject. Still, I've often wondered why we go to great lengths to look our best on certain occasions and not others. Isn't our outward appearance a reflection of our inner attitudes?

To me, it is not a question of God "caring" what we look like; God's love is a constant given. The real question is whether or not we care what we look like in God's presence. This is why Christians have always been encouraged to truly dress "up" when we gather for worship. It is an outward recognition that what we are gathering for is truly something very important and meaningful.

...with a little common sense we can dress casually and still reflect an attitude of reverence. For instance, short-shorts; grungy jeans, shirts, and athletic shoes; flip-flops and other flimsy footwear; and tank-tops should [b]never[/b] be worn to Church. Clean t-shirts in summer are acceptable, providing they are not embellished with crude graphics.

Let's not forget that proper dress also includes good grooming habits. At the very least, face and hands should be clean, teeth brushed, and hair brushed or combed.[/i]

I've never seen so much of an explanation go into appropriate dress for church and that was only about half of the letter. I thought it was well written and it's reasoning is good, but it is not going to be taken well as almost half of the congregation is in violation of at least one of the articles of clothing that should not be worn. Even I have worn some things on the list before, although not often. I think people on the whole have gotten out of the custom of getting more "dressed up" on Sunday.

Edited by Andrea348
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I have worn the sandles before. And shorts. I wore shorts today in fact. Shorts and a golf shirt. That is about as dressed up as I get without wearing a suit, lol. But we are getting new lights soon. The current ones produce like 11,000 or something watts of heat. If we run the lights we have to run the AC. All year. So if that give you an idea of what I am up against being a person who is hot on Christmas.

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Thy Geekdom Come

I wish my pastor would say something like that...

One of the priests at Mass today left the sanctuary to hold hands with the congregation during the Our Father, and instead of introducing the Our Father as the rubrics state, he shouted out, "Whose Father?" And the congregation shouted back, "OUR Father, who art in heaven..."

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jun 27 2004, 02:51 PM'] I wish my pastor would say something like that...

One of the priests at Mass today left the sanctuary to hold hands with the congregation during the Our Father, and instead of introducing the Our Father as the rubrics state, he shouted out, "Whose Father?" And the congregation shouted back, "OUR Father, who art in heaven..." [/quote]

It's church ----------> :incense:


cheerleading practice ------------------> :cheer:

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I wish we had something like that in our bulletin...seriously, some people dress like they're going to the beach :(, and I know it's Miami and all, but some respect....

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jun 27 2004, 02:51 PM'] I wish my pastor would say something like that...

One of the priests at Mass today left the sanctuary to hold hands with the congregation during the Our Father, and instead of introducing the Our Father as the rubrics state, he shouted out, "Whose Father?" And the congregation shouted back, "OUR Father, who art in heaven..." [/quote]
Ekk I would get mad about that, lol.

We do have things like that in our IL bulltien. Casual/ semi formal please.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Jun 27 2004, 05:30 PM'] It's really sad that you would have to remind people to brush their teeth... [/quote]
Yeah, I was surprised by that. I wasn't aware that brushing teeth or combing hair was a problem.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jun 27 2004, 03:51 PM'] I wish my pastor would say something like that...

same here!!!

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That's awesome that this priest spoke out on this. People shouldn't dress like they're going to the beach when they go to Mass.

Is it really bad to wear sandals to Mass? What about nice, dressy sandals?

God bless,


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Thomas Michael

To me, nice, dressy, fancy sandals (even fancy flip-flops like the kind you'd find at Nordstrom or Macy's) are OK. The cheap rubber-and-plastic flip-flops are NOT.

(Sometimes I feel silly calling them flip-flops. But I can't call them thongs anymore - what they were called in my childhood - because that's now associated with another more intimate kind of clothing.) :angry:

But thank God more priests are speaking up about the dress code. It seems like around here, no one really cares. Today I saw a young lady in a TUBE TOP at church. It's getting out of hand.

Edited by Thomas Michael
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