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Fundraising Student Loan Debt Payoff at Your Parish?

Death Valley Queen

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Death Valley Queen

This is my first post on Phat Mass — so, hello all!

I am in the process of reaching out to a few communities and setting up conversations with their respective VDs, so I’m early in the process.

My only impediment is my grad school debt, which is sizable.

As I’ve been pondering how to get this paid off, I am considering — after I’ve been accepted by a community— to reach out to my parish to help with fundraising. It’s one of the wealthiest parishes in my city so I definitely think the donors are there. Plus, I work for the parish so I think donors would be open to helping me since I’m a known quantity.

So my question: For those who fundraised through their parishes, what form did the fundraising take? I know it’s early days but the issue is on my mind so I thought I’d throw it out there as I’m pondering it.








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I have no personal experience of this, but I do know of a current Dominican novice who raised almost $12,000 on GoFundMe so he could pay down his college debt. As I scroll through the donations, I can see that one or two donors made MAJOR contributions - those are probably his folks and grandparents or something. But lots of other people made donations of $25, $50, or $100. 

So I'm saying, if you take the GoFundMe route, be sure to notify your major donors. Their contributions, especially in the early stages, give smaller donors confidence that their donation will actually help you reach your goal.

What the heck! Here's the link. It's a public page, so I don't feel any compulsion to keep his name and stuff secret. https://www.gofundme.com/SeminaryMatt2017  

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The only  reason I would recommend using maybe the Laboure Society to raise money or GoFundme is because one of my friends raised money through her parish for her student debt, but then she wound up having to leave her community not even continuing aspirancy, and she was too embarrassed to return to her parish and now goes to another parish. Not saying you would leave, but just something to maybe think about, of course it's your decision what you think is best.

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We have two daughters who are religious and watched several girls do personal fundraising and then subsequently leave the order.  As LilFlwr said, it has been embarrassing for them and made leaving more difficult. I can imagine some were upset about having made private donations, too.  If a person isn't able to work with the Laboure Society, it might be a better thing to have donations made to their home parish for the purpose of sponsoring the the candidate, and then if they leave the order/seminary they could just pay  back the church once they were working again.  That is more or less how the Laboure Society works and it seems most reasonable.

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I'm sure you are already doing this but do your best to try to pay down your loans right now. Even 10 or 20 bucks extra a month can really help over time.  It also shows a good faith effort to vocation directors (and any potential supporters).

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