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What's Your Rosary?

Paladin D

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  gopherball33 said:
how would this freak out a person

in a public school anything religious, or lets sum it up, catholic freaks them out


i've done that too kat! the weird looks, the burning questions....ahh..it was worth it!

i always had a prayer book open when i finished my work before everyone else, the cover alone was "different" to them so they never asked what i was reading....

LOL B) sometimes its too easy....

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  littleflower said:
geez i always use my teeth to close it shut

I can vouch for that......

My rosary was blessed by the secretary, of the secretary, of the secretary to the Holy Father himself........ :P


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  littleflower said:
in a public school anything religious, or lets sum it up, catholic freaks them out


i've done that too kat! the weird looks, the burning questions....ahh..it was worth it!

i always had a prayer book open when i finished my work before everyone else, the cover alone was "different" to them so they never asked what i was reading....

LOL  B)  sometimes its too easy....

My daughter wears her scapular as a bracelet.

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The rosary I currently carry with me is made entirely out of small cord. The beads and cross are actually knotted cord. I received this one while performing a signal mission at Fort Polk, LA.
Yea that's the kind of rosary I have! 'Cept I got it in a store. ;)

My daughter wears her scapular as a bracelet.

I wear my scapular the regular way, but when we I have to change in PE or something, I always see people looking at it funny or they tell me that "my necklace is on backwards" (then they see the other side and go "oh nevermind."). Or they just flat out ask me what the heck it is. :rolleyes:

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  cmotherofpirl said:

My daughter wears her scapular as a bracelet.

LOL.. too true!! The bad part is, I go to a Catholic school!!! :rolleyes: It's still insanely weird to them why I would want to pray outside of church..

How does she wear it as a bracelet? Like wrap it around several times or what? I like to wear my scapular, but it seems like I always have to adjust it.. I should try that! I know kids on the basketball team that wear it wrapped around their ankle during games..

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For special occasions if I wear a dress or shirt where my scapular will show (my wedding for instance, and formal dances when I was at school) I would attatch my scapular to my undergarments. The rest of the time I don't care if it shows. When I had my first appointment at the midwife birthing center the lady who saw me asked what my scapular was and I had to explain it to her. She knew it was a Catholic thing because when I said "Its my scapular" she said "What's it for? I'm not Catholic."

Also, my brother in law wears a wooden rosary around his wrist like a bracelet. I guess if he had it in his pockets it would end up ruined or something.

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yeah washers and dryers are evil to anything left in the pockets.....they go in and never come back out the same!! lol

LOL.. too true!! The bad part is, I go to a Catholic school!!!


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  immaculata said:
It's always in my purse, and when I have nothing to do in class, I'll sneak it out and see if I can freak out the person sitting next to me ;)

Oh, SAME!! I do this and it rocks!!

My favorite rosary is a simple olive wood rosary. It's chesnut brown, from the Holy Land, and smells so good! I love the rosary!!

Mary, mother of God, PRAY FOR US!!


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  immaculata said:
The rosary that I use most often is a pink crystal rosary from Fatima that my friend gave me for my 16th birthday.. It's always in my purse, and when I have nothing to do in class, I'll sneak it out and see if I can freak out the person sitting next to me ;)

!!!!! :lol::lol: !!!!!

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