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In another thread you guys are talking about statues which are used to bring ones mind to contemplate and put ones self in God's Holy Presence.

Well what about relics, I have proof striaght from Sacred Scripture I ask anyone to prove other wise if you can!

[color=red]2 Kgs 13:20-21 - contact with Elisha's bones restored life

Acts 5: 15-16 - cures performed through Peter's shadow

Acts 19:11-12 - cures through face clothes that touched Paul[/color]


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ooh great topic Jason. Relics have always been an interest of mine. One thing I find amazing is the incorruptible bodies of some of the saints. Scientist are even completely stumped on what could possibly cause this.

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Brother Adam

I usually find that relics aren't a big deal for most protestants, even very reformed ones. It's just "not their thing" as they put it.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jun 26 2004, 06:55 AM'] I usually find that relics aren't a big deal for most protestants, even very reformed ones. It's just "not their thing" as they put it. [/quote]
Exactly. Not that I have anything against them, just think it's a little weird (statues too).

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As one not raised in the Catholic Church, I can understand any apprehension in praying in front of statues. I can also understand if a particular Catholic didnt wish to.
Remember this is not something that the Church demands that should be done.
Statues are visual aids, nothing more. It is each persons choice to use the aid or not. There are many who dont own a rosary, yet they still pray the Rosary, they simply do it on their fingers. Does that mean they are worshipping their fingers? No.
Some find it easier to keep their concentration if they are in front of a statue or crucifix. In this world there are many distractions and we need all the help we can get.
If this is the only issue that one has that keeps them from accepting Catholicism, then I see no problem. Simply dont pray in front of a statue, its that simple.
People who do pray in front of statues do nothing wrong, unless they assume the statue IS the person they are praying to.
And the arguement that some people have had were they have heard someone talking to a statue doesnt hold water for me. I talk to my stuffed rabbit, but I dont think it's real. Big difference.

Muslims may cry that they require no statues. Well, good for them. They also dont have the Real Presence. Also, in some public schools they are given a room to pray were they will not be disturbed, its a guarantee. In their homeland, calls are sent out from the towers to announce prayer, so that right is upheld there.
Catholics dont seem to have that particular right, unless one attends a Catholic school or university. I have never known any public school that gives Catholics a room where they can pray. And the few times I have heard of 'clubs' to promote Catholic unity in public schools were the students would gather to pray and discuss Catholic issues, they were always met with a brick wall, telling them that they have a church and should go there and leave it out of the schools. If the school itself didnt oppose them, then 'angry parents' would, citing that there had to be a separation between Church and state.

Makes ya think.

Peace :peace:

Edited by Quietfire
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But this is a thread about Relics.

Are there any religions that have relics outside of Catholicism?
I think I am only aware of the Catholic relics.


Peace :peace:

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[quote name='Quietfire' date='Jun 27 2004, 03:38 AM'] Are there any religions that have relics outside of Catholicism? [/quote]

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