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Me And My Rosary...

Paladin D

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Am I the only one at times, to place my 16 inch Rosary on my head? With the line of beads and the cross hanging down my face? With my head bent down, and my hands folded...grasping the cross?

I'm not sure if anyone else does this, it isn't something I forced myself doing. I just...feel like doing it.

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oh my goodness (don't blasphemy) - I find myself subconsciously doing that sometimes. Like if I'll have the Rosary around me, I would put it on my head with the beads going down the middle of my face - LOL. It's not a feminine thing if I do it too. 110% MAN! LOL

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whats point? If Rosary is just a praying tool.. well.... well I guess a pencil is a tool also and people put it up in there ears so... *shrugs*

Edited by Adam
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  Adam said:
whats point? If Rosary is just a praying tool.. well.... well I guess a pencil is a tool also and people put it up in there ears so... *shrugs*

There isn't a point really, it's just something I naturally do time to time. I feel that my mind is more "blessed". :D

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I used to do that when I was younger, but now I generally just clutch them in my hand. I now have this random urge to put my rosary beads on my head...

Speaking of rosaries, Adrienne got her first pair today. My great-aunt sent them. You know those big chunky wooden brightly colored childrens rosaries? It looks like that only its tiny! Its so little and CUTE! I can't wait till she's bigger and I can take pictures of her praying and using those beads to count the prayers. :D

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I don't think you should "force" children to pray the rosary; can they be forced? I definately think that they should be taught to pray it--to learn the prayers that make up the rosary, the Our Father, and Hail Mary in particular--and what better way to learn them than by praying the rosary? Learning by rote, if you will. It's alot of repitition, and even if later on in life they decide that the rosary isn't the particular devotion that best suits their personal prayer life they still have learned those prayers, which any Catholic prayes regularly (at least all the Catholics I know) even if they don't have a sepcial devotion to the rosary itself (and yes, I DO have close friends who don't feel that the rosary is the devotion that suits their prayer life best) . Furthermore, praying the rosary and attending Mass regularly teaches children about the faith. The mysteries of the rosary can be easily broken down so that a small child can understand (as much as they can at a very young age) what the mysteries are about--rather like a children's Bible. I remember in my family when I was young we had a beautiful book that had readings and pictures for each mystery. We loved looking at that book as we prayed. We would compete to see who could announce the next decade first so we could lead the prayers. It was great. :) I fully intend to teach my daughter many prayers, including the Rosary, St. Michael prayer, and prayer of St. Gertrude the Great.

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Lounge Daddy

You know, my children generally pray the Rosary because they see mommy and daddy and the oldest children praying the rosary; just as they go to Mass with mommy and daddy… this is a natural thing like “bedtime is at 8pm” and “CCD is every Wednesday”.

We don’t “make them”, but we encourage them a bit, and all the kids must be in the living room.

The youngest have a choice: join in the rosary or quietly read a book. After some time they want to join in the rosary because they want to participate with the others.

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hmmmmm :huh:

i don't get it? how do you pray your rosary if it's on your head?

i'm just gonna hide from this thread :ph34r:

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  Aloysius said:

hmmmmm :huh:

i don't get it?  how do you pray your rosary if it's on your head? 

i'm just gonna hide from this thread :ph34r:

When I pray the Rosary, I hold it. But afterwards (or when I'm not praying it), I sometimes wear it, while saying a different prayer.

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So you guys think children should be forced to pray rosary? Or.. choose for themselfs?

do you let kids choose whether or not what they want to eat? do you let them choose when they should go to bed? no, not really. as a parent its your job to do all you can to enforce all that is good for them. i.e. eat their vegtables, stay healthy, growing for the betterment (is that a word?) of them and their future....or how about medicine that they dont' want to take but they have to because it will help them get better? you love them you want the best for them, you will do everything in your power to make sure they are safe and secure

same thing with prayer. you want to teach them good habits of brushing their teeth in the morning and at nite, same thing goes for your child spiritually, you also want to instil in them the power of prayer. it can come through any sorts of prayers but one of the most important to many is the rosary. when my family prays the rosary, my mom kinda does what LD does...invites and lets them make that decision. but you also have to grant them the opportunity. how will they ever learn how to pray if you dont' show and live it. praying the rosary is good for the soul, to get to know Jesus and meditate and also know your prayers and learn to ask the BLessed Mother for intercession. i have grown up praying the rosary and the earliest memories i have are just that, praying the rosary.......

so i guess that answer will be yes, you don't force them, but you grant them the opportunity to know and come to love prayer (such as the rosary) through their own curiosity or whatever it may be. the rosary (since thats what the subject is about) is one that completely beneficial as all prayer is, so what can hurt? the worst thing is not showing/teaching a child. as parent you care for them, you want the best for them and since baptism you have been given the responsiblity to make sure your children make it to heaven and learn to love, serve and know God. prayer (like the rosary) are ways to ensure this. i thank my mom and dad for instilling in me my devotion of praying the rosary. it has been the road, the path that has led me to Jesus and to embrace the catholic faith that i treasure so much. those prayers, i have been saying ever since i was young, have been fruitful and blossomed because when i was little my mother prayed taught us the importance of the Holy Rosary.

the Rosary is the road that will lead you to know Jesus so much more because it is through the eyes of the BLessed Mother that we come to love and know Jesus more and more. its not the only road, mind you, but its one that has been responsible for who i am today....

this reminds me of what a priest once said....

how do you know when you've been successful parents? when you see your children in heaven........

God bLess!


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