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Rudy Giuliani


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What are Republican Catholics going to do if Rudy Giuliani replaces Johnsonville brat Cheney as VP candidate (highly unlikely) or runs for the presidency in 2008? Can we hardly vote for a guy who says this?:
[quote]“I’m pro-choice. I’m pro-gay rights,” Giuliani said. He was then asked whether he supports a ban on what critics call partial-birth abortions. “No, I have not supported that, and I don’t see my position on that changing,” he responded.[/quote]

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My mistake, here is the source:
CNN.com, “Inside Politics” Dec 2, 1999

I like Rudy's leadership qualities and all but I couldn't vote for a pro-choice stance.

You can read the positions of all major political figures on all the issues at:

Edited by thedude
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Archbishop 10-K

If Giuliani became Bush's running mate, I'd still vote for Bush since Bush himself is pro-life, and the President is the man who's thoughts count. I would do so reluctantly, though.

Actually, what am I talking about? I'm not even old enough to vote yet.

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[quote name='thicke' date='Jun 25 2004, 09:33 PM'] I'm glad I bugged you about it. That's a really handy site. Thanks! [/quote]
same here, thanks thedude, that's an awesome website to find out other political leaders' stance on abortion and other issues...:cool:



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I watched Neil Cavuto's interview w/ Cheny, and it's clear to me Cheny's still Bush's #1 choice. I can't see Bush replacing him, and even if he did replace him i doubt he'd replace him with someone that's so much against his policies. (anti-gay-marriage and anti-abortion)

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I would still vote for Bush because he is pro-life and he decides policy. However I would do it with much more reservation than if he kept Cheney. It would be terrible to Guliani would use this as a stepping stone to the presidency.

Bush/Cheney would be the best ticket of any party since Reagan/Bush.

Bush/Guliani would be better only than Clinton/Gore.

I think Bush will stick with Cheney because I think he is more principled than we give him credit for.

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I would cast neither a vote probably if Giulani ran for President...altho i am not faced with the situation as i am a Canadian.

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The problem is if Rudy did get elected in 2004 as a VP, he would be the likely top candidate in 2008, and then we'd be in trouble. I think it is highly unlikely that he will be the VP this year, but there is a chance he'll run in 2008.

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The VP also casts tie breaking votes in the Senate, so saying you would vote for him would be impossible, because that puts him in a position to affect laws. Typical though that we would vote Republican no matter what.


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