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Why I Am Not A Republican


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Nope, well... in those pictures yes, but if you saw the CBC debate he was grinning and pontificating like he was the only one there straight at the camera... ohhh boy what a guy!!! :sweat: :sweat:

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Sammy Blaze

Thank you for this post,

I'm not a democrat, but mos def not a Republican, I honestly agree more with the policies of the Democratic party. Most are not pro-life so they won't get my vote, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna vote for a "pro-life" Republican, and turn a blind eye to all the other policies I believe in as a Catholic.

I'm voting for JPII in '04


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i don't agree with any of the democratic policy's policies. nope, not a one. and thank God it's completely within my Catholic Faith not to agree with the democratic party.


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Funny thing. I used to be a registered, voting Democrate (I still keep my old voter's card for grins) but am now a Republican. I'm always trying to be the best Christian I can, and I always vote. It's my job as a Christian in America. I vote issues first. That has led me to being a Republican.

On the other hand. My Grandmother. A kind, pious, and intelligent woman, who would debate politics through the last days of her 100 years, was a staunch Democrat. I respect and love her, but she failed to see the support of Abortion as being an intregal part of the Democratic party.

There are things to like about the Dems, just as there are things to like about the Repub's. We should be firm in our opinion, but not so that we are myopic or close-minded.

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[quote name='jasJis' date='Jun 25 2004, 11:47 PM'] It's my job as a Christian in America. I vote issues first. That has led me to being a Republican.

Same here, for now....

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[quote name='Sammy Blaze' date='Jun 25 2004, 07:13 PM']

I'm voting for JPII in '04

Even if he won, he couldn't take office unless the Constitution were amended, since he is not a natural-born US citizen.

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I'm not a democrat either, but I think we've got better reasons than stated above. God bless.

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Mary's Knight, La

ok i'm not wanting to turn this into a big debate but I have to question about the sympathizing with the american worker part being a cause of not being a republican.

Workers are also consumers.

raising minimum wage basically equates (in effects) to a tax on businesses except that rather than going to the government the money is distributed among the people.

while this does give the worker/consumer more buying power for a time, Economics 101 says that when you tax businesses they raise their prices increasing the costs of those items which consumers deem are necessary.

For non-necessary items the higher costs mean decreased sales which will force businesses to cut costs in other ways (number of workers) in order to protect their profits.

the fact is businesses only exist because consumers pay all their costs and then some (the whole reason for businesses is profit), It is impossible to make a business pay out more than it takes in. The only way raising minum would benefit the worker/consumer in the long run is if the government were the one paying the amount of the raise.

if you want to help the american worker help the business to help workers you have to allow them to either lower their prices which raises the buying power of the worker/consumer or help them pay the worker more in a way that they won't turn around and charge the consumer.

otherwise the business pays the workers more and turns around and charges them more as consumers. then you repeat and the business pays workers more again and charges them more again as consumers, it's a death spiral

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Before registering with a political party, one should read its platform, not just believe that it stands for what you think it might stand for!
The [url="http://http://www.democrats.org/about/2000platform.html"][b]Democrat Party Platform[/b][/url] should be reviewed, as well as the [url="http://www.rnc.org/About/PartyPlatform/Default.aspx"][b]Republican Party Platform[/b][/url].
You might be surprised to learn what principles the parties really stand for.

I am neither Democrat nor Republican.

In New York State, we have a Right to Life political party. I'm a member, and former acting county chairman. :) It is a single-issue party, 100% anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia. Respect for the Sanctity of innocent Human Life is the cornerstone of American civilization (or lack thereof).
Sorry, but its website ~
[url="http://www.nysrighttolifeparty.org"]http://www.nysrighttolifeparty.org[/url] ~ is under construction.

Pax Christi. <><

Edited by Anna
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Your link for the Dem. party platform doesn't work, Mama. :ph34r: One too many http://'s.

Here is the link:


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Wow. This one did me in right there. No democratic party for moi. :ph34r:


The Democratic Party stands behind the right of every woman to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of ability to pay. We believe it is a fundamental constitutional liberty that individual Americans - not government - can best take responsibility for making the most difficult and intensely personal decisions regarding reproduction. This year's Supreme Court rulings show to us all that eliminating a woman's right to choose is only one justice away. That's why the stakes in this election are as high as ever.[/quote]

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Just in case you're interested, this is the corresponding quote from the Republican party platform.

[quote]The Supreme Court’s recent decision, prohibiting states from banning partial-birth abortions —  a procedure denounced by a committee of the American Medical Association and rightly branded as four-fifths infanticide — shocks the conscience of the nation.  As a country, we must keep our pledge to the first guarantee of the Declaration of Independence.  That is why we say the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.  We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.  Our purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions.  We oppose using public revenues for abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it.  We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.[/quote]

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if i had to choose between the 2

pick the lesser of 2 evils--and that is being a Republican. if Kerry wins this year, we shall find that the anti-life supporters shall increase tenfold to attempt to destroy the hope of saving the unborn. <_<

but that's just me.

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besides, even if you happen to be against the Iraq war on the same line of thinking of the Pope, even the Pope is now supporting the U.S.'s attempts to transfer sovereignty and all that. Kerry couldn't even do anything to fix the Iraqui situation anyway. In a choice between Kerry and Bush I don't understand how Iraq is even an issue anymore, it's not like Kerry's gonna come in and make Iraq all better.

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