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Abortion Survivors


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Catholic Herald 25/6/04:

[quote]The British Medical Association (BMA) is expected to announce next week that babies who survive abortions must be given the same medical care as others born prematurely.
The issue will be raised at the annual conference in Llandudno, Wales, after reports that botched operations have resulted in at least nine babies being left to die in hospital dishes.
At present, the Royal College of Obstretricians and Gynaecologists and the BMA both recommend that premature babies should be treated in the same way regardless of how they are born.
Existing guidelines advise doctors to make very careful assessments of how much they can do to save the baby before taking any action. But apparently these guidelines have often been ignored, and aborted children who have had a good chance of survival hacve been left to die.
Bryony Dunning-Davis, a 23 year old medical student, called for a debate on the subject. "It is profoundly disturbing", she said. "How can it be that a baby born in one room is left to die while another at the same gestation in another room is rushed to neonatal care?"
Pro-Life campaigners say that there are on average, two such cases a year, mostly with children aborted around 23 weeks who have managed to survive an injection to their hearts before they are delivered. Latest figures show that more than 1,300 babies per year are aborted after 22 weeks.
A midwife who kept a diary of her terminations told the Daily Mail that she witnessed a baby move and breathe unaided for three hours after being aborted at 23 weeks. "There was an unwritten policy on the unit that babies would nto be given assistance", she said.
Nuala Scaribrick, trustee of the pro-life charity Life, said: "We have known for years that this dreadful practice goes on  in NHS hospitals, often in units where there are full facilities for care of premature babies.
"The BMA should instruct it's members at the conference next week that all babies born alive after abortions should be resuscitated and given truly loving care."
A spokesman for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said: "Surviving an abortion should not be seen as a mistake but as an opportunity. It should bring home in the first place that we should not be carrying out abortions in a civilised society."[/quote]

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us......

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What the hell happened to our country where it's acceptable to allow newborns to die of neglect? :(

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That's a good question. I think it's because people never hear the horrible side of the story. The word "abortion" doesn't make people think of "death", just "women't rights". Those children who survived the abortion were a mistatke in the first place, right? So why bother to save them if (by mistake) they survive?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]I think it's because people never hear the horrible side of the story. The word "abortion" doesn't make people think of "death", just "women't rights".[/quote]

Actually, I think that's debatable. "National Abortion Rights Action League" changed its name a few years ago to "NARAL Pro-Choice America" because studies found that the word "abortion" carried a negative connotation in the eyes of the majority of the public. Isn't it funny how easily we humans can deceive ourselves..."the public doesn't like abortion, so we'll just change our name and they'll like us!"

They should put these restrictions in place. My brother was three months premature.

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two of my hubby's nieces were born three months premature.

their mom (his sister) still insists that aborting babies is the mother's choice! :sadder: pray for her!

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]their mom (his sister) still insists that aborting babies is the mother's choice!  pray for her!


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Thy Geekdom Come

My mother was undecided on abortion until my older brother (the premie) was born. Then she became strongly pro-life. I suppose she figured that if a child born three months premature with no additional in utero development could grow up to become the kid he was becoming, she had to be pro-life.

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Jake Huether


This morning I was thinking...

Why can't we just rally together and come up with a bunch of money and buy out Planned Parenthood? I mean, it can't cost more than 2 billion dollars to buy. That's a measly $1 per Catholic. Maybe the Pope aught to put together a collection, and he can buy planned parenthood, and become the CEO. Then he can fire everyone, start over and hire all the Life League peeps, who can teach NFP, for a REAL Planned Parenthood.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or some other rich pro-abort would just keep them funded so they wouldn't sell.

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