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3 New Consecrated Virgins


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Today in the Archdiocese of Detroit, three women became consecrated virgins. Here is an article about it: http://www.themichigancatholic.org/2017/06/historic-first-three-women-consecrated-virgins-june-24/ as well as a couple pictures from the Archbishop's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/detroitarchbishop/

:heart::heart: :heart: 

Edited by AveMariaPurissima
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16 hours ago, Laurie said:

Congratulations, Laurie!! :smile2:


The local newspaper has an article too.  To my pleasant surprise, they actually did a really good job with it: http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/06/29/brides-christ-jesus-virginity-consecration/432771001/

(^Though I recommend not reading the comments... <_<Just saying...)

Edited by AveMariaPurissima
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54 minutes ago, AveMariaPurissima said:

(^Though I recommend not reading the comments... <_<Just saying...)

You are sweet to recommend not reading the comments!

I read the article & comments this morning & offered morning prayer for those who have negative reactions. I think some people genuinely don't get it & express themselves poorly, probably some are just shooting their mouths off b/c they are cynical or bored, and others are deeply unhappy people with nasty proclivities.

One thing I've been amazed by is that I have not had one negative reaction from those who know me (and that includes everyone on Facebook with whom I'm connected, many of whom I haven't seen in person for a long time). Across the boards, people have been interested in my vocation, respectful, and happy for me. (I went to public schools & work for a corporation, so there are a lot of non-Catholics in my world).

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