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I've always liked this photograph, mostly because Sr. Genevieve is not what she seems! She was called Soeur Marie de Sante Face and was a postulant playing dress up for the picture! I always liked that angle. 

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45 minutes ago, Therese1895 said:

and was a postulant playing dress up for the picture! I always liked that angle. 

Whaaaaat!?!?!!  She was? 

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@vee Yes, they were taking a family photo with the prioress, and wanted Sr. Genevieve (Celine) to be dressed as a novice. In a sense, it's understandable as she was going to be clothed eventually, and that way the picture looks better. 

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  • 7 years later...

Marie Davy de Virville 1834-1904

At dawn on Saturday December 17, Mother Marie de Gonzague entered Life. On this date, the Church resumed in the liturgy the cycle of great antiphons “O”, antiphons preparatory to the feast of Christmas, and which all begin with this admiring O. "O Wisdom", would be sung at Vespers that evening. Oh yes, the wisdom of Providence which had chosen Mother Marie de Gonzague to be the Prioress of Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus for most of her Carmelite life.

Biographical overview

February 20, 1834 Birth in Caen of Marie Davy de Virville.
November 29, 1860 Entry into the Carmel of Lisieux.
May 30, 1861 Clothing.
June 27, 1862 Profession.
July 16, 1862 Sailing.
July 8, 1866 Sub-Prioress.
August 8, 1869 Re-election as sub-prioress, for 3 years.
January 20, 1871 Refugee in her family (advance of the Prussians).
March 1871 Return to Carmel.
October 28, 1874 Prioress.
November 10, 1877 Re-election as prioress.
November 16, 1880 Charges maintained for 2 years by Mgr Hugonin.
January 28, 1883 She leaves office; is replaced by Mother Geneviève. She is 1st custodian (bursar) and mistress of novices.

February 3, 1886 Prioress.

February 13, 1889 Re-elected prioress.

February 13, 1892 Offices extended for one year.
February 20, 1893 She leaves office; replaced by Mother Agnès. She is bursar and mistress of novices.
March 21, 1896 Prioress and mistress of novices (assisted by Thérèse).
March 22, 1899 Re-elected prioress.
April 19, 1902 Definitively leaves office; replaced by Mother Agnès. Is thrifty until his death.

Spring 1904 Cancerous tumor on the tongue.
December 17, 1904 death
Mother Marie de Gonzague was therefore sub-prioress for 6 years and prioress for 21 years.

After the death of St. Therese, a priest went to the Parlor of Lisieux Carmel to inquire regarding the possibilities of promoting the cause St. Therese:

Mother Marie de Gonzague replied, "In that case Father, how many Carmelites do we have to canonized?"

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