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The Dead Faith

Brother Adam

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Brother Adam


[i]"Catholicism is a dead faith." [/i]

Let's take a trip. Ready? Follow along.

Imagine a formless void. Nothingness. Vast space of pitch black. Yet not even black. Just, nothing. There was only God. The supreme being of the universe. The creator, not the created. In His Truine nature. Outside of time. No beginning and no end. He was, He is. As God Himself spoke: I AM.

I AM spoke and there was light. Piercing the void, the nothingness. Creation came into being. Oceans flourished, forests appeared and grew, animals spread across the earth. Then there was man. In the very image of I AM. Think The creator made the created. The creature. The very essance of family was expanded from Creator to His creation. And in His image man and woman came into being. From the Divine family comes the perfect creation. Flawless. Finished.

In Eden, the perfect family is in perfect communion. There is only life, only happiness. God communes with man and so man communes with God.

Suddenly though there is a great rupture in the course of life. The serpant enters the garden. Once among the greatest of all created beings, now the wisest of all evil. Through the created the knowledge of good and evil is revealed. And the perfect family is ruptured. Suddenly hell becomes a harsh reality. And out of bliss Adam and Eve are cast into a dusty earth to till and toil.

The perfect family is broken. The created is cut off from the Creator. All of humanity is in need of a salvation. For through the first man and woman all of humanity has fallen into sin and death.

The world falls into dark days. Evil spreads venomously through the viens of the living dead. God is sorry that He has made what He has made. And all is destroyed. All except for one man and his family. Who remain faithful to the Lord. They enter a covenant. A renewed promise between the Creator and created. Hope is born. But salvation history is just beginning. . .

To Be Continued...

Edited by Brother Adam
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So true!
First to man.
Then to family.
Then to .....
Then to ......
Then to .....
I promise not to give it all away! You'll all have to find out for yourselves.
Fantastic, Bro. Adam, keep it coming.

Peace :peace:

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jun 24 2004, 05:07 PM'] haha. only one a day. :) [/quote]
Ahem. Today is the second day. :P Unless you mean we have to wait till 9 pm or so...

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Brother Adam

[i](I love only giving out little tidbits at a time.) [/i]

[font="Courier"]Nations rebuild, and are scattered throughout the earth. Through the descandant of Noah comes one who will be the father of an entire nation. A people will be established, and the world will know a new greatness. It is said that if it is possible to count the stars in the sky, so shall the seed of Abraham be. A new covenant is established. A nation rises. It is Isreal! It is God's choosen people! Again the family of God is extended. From one man and one woman. To one family. To one nation.

Salvation is found through this family. Salvation cannot be found outside of it. For it is in entering this family that very meaning of salvation is found. God reaches his creation now through sacrifice, to atone for the damage done by sin. For God is a holy God. I AM cannot be in the presence of sin.

Yet the serpant works his power. Darkened in hellfire, it's spirit moves through the God's creation hardening hearts and destroying what is good and true. Isreal is held captive. Bonded to slavery in Egypt under Pharoah. God's choosen people cry for help, waiting for deliverance. Waiting for a Savior.

The Lord watches over the people. A deliever will come to Egypt. But one even greater is destined to be a ruler. One which may break the back of the serpant, casting it forever into an eternal pit.

To be continued.[/font]

Edited by Brother Adam
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