cmotherofpirl Posted August 28, 2003 Share Posted August 28, 2003 CrusaderDude777 said: O, I forgot to ask, how does one change or make their own group. I was knida hoping my group would be Crusader (who would 'a thunk it?). Dust does the groups. Church militant is the highest you go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
littleflower+JMJ Posted August 28, 2003 Share Posted August 28, 2003 no heaven is the highest you go ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil Red Posted August 28, 2003 Share Posted August 28, 2003 (edited) There's an amesome St. Michael screensaver on LifeTeen It shows him in battle dress with a sword, and then has a prayer with it. You should check it out! Edited August 28, 2003 by llrddvl@stpius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chastisement Posted August 29, 2003 Author Share Posted August 29, 2003 (edited) Jake explained my idea of Spiritual Warfare pretty much spot on, but I'll like to add some more to it. I am a pacifist, the idea of war disgusts me. However, only in the physical. I will gladly fight in the spiritual. As my mum always says "Your battle is in the spiritual, dear". It's kinda ironic, I hate fighting physically and refuse to learn self defense that could harm seriously or kill any attacker, yet, when it comes time to do battle in the spiritual I'm the first one on the front lines with the sword out! :D A good example of being able to see the difference between spiritual battle and physical is how some anti-abortionists blow up clinics and snipe on doctors, that's an entirely physical battle, however, they are spurred by the spiritual. God tells them abortion is wrong, and they must try to end it, however, they must try and end it in the spiritual by destorying the spirits of murder, lies and deciet and the spirit of abortion which reside in the hearts of the abortionist and in the hearts of women who go to get abortions. If you defeat those spirits, you defeat abortion, and it will cease. I've seen what we have to fight, some would say it's kinda scary, my brother gets quite scared about it, but God only shows him mild things, it doesn't worry me in the least because I know God will succeed, the War has already been decided, however, right now, we have to fight in the spiritual. Now, because of how I feel about it, not being scared, I see stuff that would make most people run a mile. What do you do when you discern/see something? You get armoured up, get God's commands, and get in their and kick some demon backside! Laugh, as well. The demon masses and that chicken poo Satan hate being laughed at, I always have a good chuckle when they turn tail and run! But be careful, don't go alone, for example, my mum and her friend are a great team. Her friend discerns what's there, and what it is, and my mum casts it out. But my mum keeps telling me I'm only to go into battle when God commands, jsut like in any army, you can't have the privates running to fight when the General hasnt' even thought about what's to transpire. Also, it's also a good idea to wear your Scapular, because it littlerally screams to any demon "Hands off! I belong to Jesus Christ and His Mother" I also wear the miacluous metal, two actually, one inside my shirt, the other around my neck, in case I loose one, a St. Paddy's metal, being Irish I consider him my patron saint, a St. Bernidict, who is really good at kicking Satan's keister, my crucifix, St. Christopher medal and the sacred heart, also I carry a little pocket rosary and have a finger rosary on my keys. So, yeah, I'm well protected! But yes, although Jesus has conquered death and died for our sins, and although the War has long since been decided, today, and every day until Jesus' return we must battle, for Satan still roams, and it's his deciet, his lies, his treatery and hatred which fills the hearts and souls of those who do not know the Lord or who are weaked willed, those peopel are the ones the demons dwell, and they get stronger about them, causing them to do things like commit abortions, rape, murder, wage war, lie, steal, cheat et cetera. We must defeat the demon's hold upon those people, and sometimes we will defeat those demons, but new ones will take their place until that person has changed their lifestyle and accepted God completely. Somethign my mum told me to pray when I discern something evil abotu something or someone "I wash [name of person/something] clean in the precious blood of the Lamb, I wash [name of person/something] from the [top of their head, to the tips of their toes/ceiling to floor] with the precious blood of the Lamb. I command in the name of Jesus Christ anything that is not of the Lord to go back to the divinely appointed place". Edited August 29, 2003 by Chastisement Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donna Posted August 29, 2003 Share Posted August 29, 2003 Reading this thread is a consolation for me. Thanks a lot. I am a very tired soldier right now. "And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." -Apocalypse 12:17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donna Posted August 29, 2003 Share Posted August 29, 2003 Our Lord appeared to a nun in the 1800's, in France. It's Church approved. Among the things He said was that in the future, we would be chastized by revolutionary men. The first prayer below in bold was one of the prayers He gave to fight "revolutionary men". And He asked for reparation to His Holy Face. It has to do with the modern "Crown of Thorns", that being the disfigured Face of Christ in the Church, humiliated/bloodied/mocked/disfigured generally begun by the Protestant Revolt, the French Revolution, then Freemasonry... but as always, He's most upset by His friends abandoning the interests of God, and especially nations' abandonment. France - the eldest daughter of the Church -is a good example of the wrath of God against a harlot nation. A confraternity was begun, I believe under Pope Leo XIII. The entrie Martin family had signed on. Therese Martin, the saint. Her full name in religion is "St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face." We have a picture of her holding the veil of Veronica picture. This confraternity/reparation to the Holy Face is what Jesus termed as "the office of the pious Veronica" who wiped the face of our Lord when He carried His cross (6th Station of the cross, right?) Two of these prayers are specifically militant: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the instruments of His holy Passion: that Thou mayest put division in the camp of Thine enemies: For as Thy Beloved Son has said: "A Kingdom divided against itself shall fall." Also, apparently Therese prayed the chaplet of the Holy Face, or something similar and a major part of that de- votion is from Scripture: Arise O Lord, let Thy enemies be scattered; Let those who hate Thee fly before Thy [holy] Face. I say these often. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chastisement Posted August 29, 2003 Author Share Posted August 29, 2003 The thing with SW is that it's like any physical activity. You have to rest. You have to recoperate. Whenever I feel run down by the debauchery and sin in this world I sing hymns and listen to Catholic and Christain music, you'd be surprised how it really fills you up. Also, reading the bible, I enjoy reading Revelations and reading about how the heathen and Satan get their butts kicked by God. I mean, doesn't God just kick serious keister! He's just so amesome and cool and it's always a real joy and top up to know He's already won and that those stupid demons are going to get theirs big time. Also, Mass, I've been a bit naughty lately, and work and sheer laziness has stopped me going, but oneday I was called so strongly by God I went along and wow, the gospel, the hommily it all spoke to me, and my favourite hymn was there, and I'd been trying to get the name of it for a while because I want it for my funeral. Here's another prayer my mum gave me, it's a great prayer if you have giftings. Lord I surrender to Your holy will this day. Let it be done unto me according to Your Word. I choose this day to bring all that I am and all my giftings under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I place all my giftings into the palm of the Lor'ds hand and I choose to function this day in the power of the HOly Spirit of the Living God and no other. Lord I ask this day that only YOur revleation Spirit, through the power of the Holy Spirit, be revealed in my life today and no other. I pray that the only burdens I recieve this day will be from the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ and no other. I pray the protection of the Precious Blood of th eLamb into my life this day. I ask all this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil Red Posted August 29, 2003 Share Posted August 29, 2003 (edited) nevermind Edited February 20, 2012 by Lil Red Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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