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I Am A Conservative Republican Because...


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[b]I am a Conservative Republican because:[/b][list]
[*]I know there is God
[*]God does not change with time
[*]I'm Catholic and the majority values pushed in the republican party are Catholic values. All the major issues are covered by the Rep. party. Unlike the democrat party.
[*]I'm pro-life
[*]I believe in teaching people how to fish while I give them a fish. I also know human nature, therefore I also believe 2 Thess. 3:10
[*]I believe that marriage is between a man and woman
[*]I believe that less government is better.
[*]I believe that porn is not free speech or expression
[*]I believe that drugs should remain illegal
[*]I believe that unborn stem cells should not be used for anything; adult stem cells and umbilical cord stem cells are more promising
[*]The media distorts the truth to the point of lying
[*]I believe that God needs to be the cornerstone of what political leaders base their decisions on
[*]I believe that there is no such thing as a white lie
[*]I know that SPAM is not going to be taken care of in congress
[*]I believe that if a man cannot run his own household, then he should not be running a country
[*]I believe that over taxing the rich will cost the poor jobs. When the corporations get tax cuts, they expand.
[*]I believe that anyone who claims to be Catholic and does not believe in fundemental Catholic teaches, cannot be trusted. If a man cannot be True to God, how can he be true to other men?
[*]I believe that the government is not the answer for fixing everything
[*]I believe that teaching a 9 year old about oral sex is wrong
[*]I believe that passing out condoms to promote sex is wrong. Condoms ONLY protect people from 3 of the 63 known STD's. There is no such thing as safe sex
[*]I believe that if a man contradicts himself constantly, he cannot be trusted for running a cash register let alone a country
[*]I believe that those who claim to be Catholic, should know their faith, and follow it or get out.
[*]I believe that there is too much sex on TV
[*]I believe that it's ok to pray whenever you feel the need to and that schools should not prohibit such actions
[*]I believe that I have a right to wear a Catholic t-shirt in school or work and carry my bible

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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i guess i should have replied in this thread, instead of the other "republican" thread.....


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I love when we mix politics and religion like this! I am a Catholic, therefore I must believe in trickle down economic theory. Why? Its the only christian belief possible.

Give me a break.


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you should add this one in:

I believe that If a man cannot keep his pants zipped, then he should not be running a country....*cough* Bill *cough* :D


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I believe that if a Man can't pronounce the word's people write for him, he should not be president. :D

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i believe that if a man has an avatar with colorful hair on a black (not African American, but black) face, he should shut up :P

by the way: JUST KIDDING :P

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Saying just kidding doesnt make something charitable, or fall under Mother Teresa's advice of leaving everyone feeling better. I don't really care, but someday somebody might, and someday somebody might take action.



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What is up with that avitar anyways? :unsure:

I think I like mine better....you can never go wrong with Jesus and Mary...ESPECIALLY child Jesus with Mary!!! ;)

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My avatar is Bob Dylan from a poster by Milton Glaser. Only people who know stuff about classic rock or pop art would get it so I'm not surprised.

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It's sad when people claiming to be Catholic haven't a clue of what matters and priorities...

1st priorities... God & Life... everything else is secondary.

In other words... Economics is not a primary reason.

Economics has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with knowing what works and what doesn't from history.

I work in a business to business industry... I work with dozens of accountants... when businesses get taxed heavy, they lay people off... they close shop... they move.

When businesses get tax breaks, they expand, they hire people.

But that is not what matters... what matters are the 45,000,000 million babies that have died in the last 31 years because of liberals.

God Bless, I'm off to Anaheim CA,

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Ah, right, inspite of the post that started this thread where political party and faith were intertwined. Its all about being anti abortion. In that case, the thread should have been called "I am pro-life because..."



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[quote name='P3chrmd' date='Jun 24 2004, 01:07 AM'] you should add this one in:

I believe that If a man cannot keep his pants zipped, then he should not be running a country....*cough* Bill *cough* :D

GOD BLESS! [/quote]
Unfortunately, that is seeming to work against the pro-life Republican US Senate candidate in Illinois (although in the Ryan divorce files case the matter is voyeurism, not adultery).

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