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Several intentions


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I have got a new job that I will start in February, researching and teaching on religious aspects of post-conflict reconciliation. I'm thrilled to have this opportunity. Please pray that I make the most of it and that many people will be brought to Christ through this work.

Lately I've been struggling with stress and tiredness and it's affecting my temper, which is no excuse for getting so irritable with people who love me. Please pray for me to be kinder and calmer this Advent, and for me to be successful in my thesis defence two weeks from now.

Finally, at my current workplace we have a patient who urinates and defecates in the communal areas of the ward when he's feeling upset, which means he's now only allowed in the extra care area. It stinks no matter what magic the cleaning staff try to work. As he's on 1:1 support, the care assistants spend a lot of time sitting there with him, and the smell makes me feel so nauseated that sometimes I'm physically struggling not to retch. Please pray for him to stop this behaviour and to learn how to express what's hurting him in another way. Please also pray for his family. They love him so much, but they've contributed to a lot of his problems through how they behave, and right now they're refusing to have family therapy. Please pray that they accept help and that the boy gets better.

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