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Sharing Thanksgiving Memories


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A Neumann Family Thanksgiving

img_0896Sr. Christina M. Neumann, OSF

“Come on, girl-squeaks —it’s time to get up for Church!”  My dad’s voice brought my sister Angie and me from dreamland to the reality of a Thanksgiving morning.  This morning summons was just the beginning of a whole day of set traditions which made my family’s Thanksgiving observance what it was.  These special traditions helped make it a day with a special place in our hearts.

Although it was not Sunday and strictly required, my parents invited us to join them for Mass on this special morning; it was considered a fitting gesture of “thanksgiving” on this so-named holiday.  A five-minute drive down residential streets and past now-barren trees would bring us to St. Joseph’s Church.  Mass would include the singing of well-known songs like “Now Thank We All Our God” and “America the Beautiful.”   On the way home...


Edited by sr.christinaosf
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