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Outcasts Movie


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Movies like this are needed. Our world is in such a terrible condition right now. May movies such as these inspire all of us to preach the Gospel to the world.

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Society is in a dreadful state.  What can I do about it? Am I prepared to take a risk and gamble if necessary?

Makes me want even more to don a type of religious habit and get out into that world and do my thing as I did when much younger than today - and with real positive impact.  Deo Gratius.  I'd love to be in a religious type habit to 'advertise' where my 'bag of goodies' for the homeless and others is really coming from i.e. from Our God through Catholicism as channel of His Goodness, Love and Mercy.  Doubtless I would be double the outcast since I suffer bipolar disorder.  The thing about that is that if I make it generally known about my illness I would be an outcast anyway possibly -. and may as well go whole hog and give those that stigmatise something legit to be all hung up and uptight about.

There is no secular law here in Australia that one cannot wear a religious habit as long as one publicly lives up to what is expected by the general community i.e. witness, which is what it is solely about in this instance.  The Church has never legislated against it. I would never wear a veil however and personal choice alone.

Read an article yesterday about coming out of the closet re mental illness.  It does not of necessity have the good outcome one hopes to have.  Rather coming out the closet re MI (or revealing one's secrets) can be a disaster to oneself and one's way of life due to the attitudes of others.  Things have improved, but improvement is all it is where MI and stigma are concerned ... and not always improvement either.  Risk, gamble.

All the above is a risk and a gamble but that can be intrinsic to discipleship too, even when things go completely amiss.  I am jolly sure, almost beyond doubt, my parish community including leadership would have decided reservations about me.  I always was the rebel - on the side of law always - but a rebel where any kind of cultural expectations of others are concerned.  Perhaps that time still applies.

One for my spiritual director next time and I am praying on the subject. Please say one for me. Deo Gratius.


It keeps going through my head that my life private vows made during Mass cannot ever be taken away from me under any circumstances at all.  It is fait accompli.

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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