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#HealingAmerica: a campaign of mercy


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I am an Australian and living in Australia, but these words did strike me:


 First, we must show love to those around us. To do this, I request that you find someone with whom you disagree and give that person a hug. Now maybe you are not the hugging type. If you aren't, know that I am not either. But if giving hugs to others with will help to bring peace I will do it, and I hope you will too.

I am not the hugging type either, but I can go out of my way (not with a hug though) to speak with and be nice to those with whom I do not agree.  Probably best too, at least initially, to not raise subjects about which we do not agree.  There will be a time and a place if raising the subject is appropriate - and one does know if that time and place does crop up.

Prayer for the USA - for peace and stability - and for all to come together in unity of purpose under their now president elect.

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Thanksgiving at Good Old Mom and Dear Old Dad's will be ugly this year. I plan to say not one word. About anything at all. Not work, not current events, not local news, not the World Series, not the weather. Mum's the word. However, I'm 99% sure that my younger-but-omniscient siblings won't be able to avoid the topic of politics. So I'm practicing saying - in as non-sarcastic a tone as I can muster - "I'm sure you're right" as I smile and nod. If any of them ask me a direct question, I plan to answer by pretending I didn't hear the question and immediately asking after their jobs, their children, their vacation plans, etc. 

It was ugly a couple of Christmases ago - one sibling hasn't spoken to The Omniscients since then - and that was before this Mother of All Elections. 



(The Bible says, "This, too, shall pass," but I'm not so sure this time.)

Edited by Luigi
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I for one will give thanks that the best man won


If a democrat had won and picked the next Supreme Court justice it would have been the end of the first amendment 

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