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4 cardinals to "correct" the pope?


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I don't want to derail the dubia thread but now I'm reading that if the Holy Father doesn't respond, the Cardinals plan a "formal correction" of the Pope. what form would this take? Do they really have the right? I'm hoping that regardless of what Papa Francis does, the cardinals do not take it in this direction as it would be extremely harmful. 

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7 minutes ago, Maggyie said:

I don't want to derail the dubia thread but now I'm reading that if the Holy Father doesn't respond, the Cardinals plan a "formal correction" of the Pope. what form would this take? Do they really have the right? I'm hoping that regardless of what Papa Francis does, the cardinals do not take it in this direction as it would be extremely harmful. 

Well the first principle we have to deal with is that there is a big difference between the content of the document, and the person of the Pope. Whether there are errors contained in a document or not is something that anyone who understands the subject can know, simply by reading the document. Whether the pope himself is in error is a very different situation.

I see no reason that the four cardinals could not, on their own authority, issue a correction of Amoris Laetitia. But a correction of Amoris Laetitia is not the same as saying "Pope Francis is in error." Though hypothetically, if this is the trajectory we are on, it is not out of the question that we eventually arrive at that point.

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I should have said this, as it is more succinct:

I do not believe these four cardinals have the authority to correct the Pope qua the Pope, but they do have the authority to correct a document which contains error.

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27 minutes ago, Amppax said:

An article from a former professor of mine, which seems appropriate in the current situation: http://www.crisismagazine.com/2015/can-pope-heretic.

Good article. I also spent a lot of time reading this one: http://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/1284-can-the-church-depose-an-heretical-pope as well as further work by Siscoe and Salza.

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On 11/18/2016 at 2:35 PM, Maggyie said:

I don't want to derail the dubia thread but now I'm reading that if the Holy Father doesn't respond, the Cardinals plan a "formal correction" of the Pope. what form would this take? Do they really have the right? I'm hoping that regardless of what Papa Francis does, the cardinals do not take it in this direction as it would be extremely harmful. 

I'd pay good money to buy tickets to get seats close to the front for this event. I'll bet it hasn't happened in centuries - or at least since the Cubs last won the World Series - and I want to be able to tell my grandchildren that I was there and saw it all!

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