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Yo Dust.


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You are not banned. You are in the exact same situation with every "phishy" member. Your posts must be approved.

This is the last time I will address this issue. If it continues to be an issue, I will actually ban you.

Ain't nobody got time for dat.

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On 10/18/2016 at 3:54 PM, MIKolbe said:

MIKolbe likes that StMichael referred to himself in the 3rd person. Bob Dole would be proud of us.



Freud considered referring to oneself in the third person as an indication of an anal personality...

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I think we should give StMichael another chance to prove he's not phishy.  Remove the phishy tag, and perhaps the first phishy thing he says, ban him for good?  


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1 hour ago, dominicansoul said:

I think we should give StMichael another chance to prove he's not phishy.  Remove the phishy tag, and perhaps the first phishy thing he says, ban him for good?  

Or just reinstate the phishy tag after he says something phishy so that there's opportunity for him to still post but not be confusing people?

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19 hours ago, Luigi said:

Freud considered referring to oneself in the third person as an indication of an anal personality...

Jack disagrees with Freud :-)

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9 hours ago, MIKolbe said:

or just let dUSt and the Mediator of Meh team handle it...




8 hours ago, dominicansoul said:

That's not fun...

Then there's only one way to resolve this, a dance off, you got served style, Michael and his phishy friends vs us and the revolution. They win they get unphished, we win dUSt has to serve us pancakes.

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49 minutes ago, Jack4 said:

Jack disagrees with Freud :-)

Personally, I think Freud was crazy and was trying to figure out his own psychological problems & solutions before the rest of the world figured that out.

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10 hours ago, KnightofChrist said:

Then there's only one way to resolve this, a dance off, you got served style, Michael and his phishy friends vs us and the revolution. They win they get unphished, we win dUSt has to serve us pancakes.

low-carb waffles and I'm in...

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maybe he'd be willing to renounce the "catholic" label in order to get posting privileges back?

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1 hour ago, dairygirl4u2c said:

maybe he'd be willing to renounce the "catholic" label in order to get posting privileges back?

That would certainly be a test of whether StMichael is really a true Catholic or not.

Sort of the modern equivalent of 30 pieces of silver......

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He replied to this thread in exactly the way I hoped he would not. I banned him. Sorry about that y'all. Nothing to do with religious views. Everything to do with just being a polite and productive supporter of this community.

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