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United States Catechism for Adults


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Can someone explain to me what this is? Does the US have its own catechism separate from the Catechism of the Catholic Church? Does anyone have a copy and, if so, is it worth investing in?

I like the CCC as a bit of an encyclopaedia but it's not easy to read. Is the US one better?

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see here http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/what-we-believe/catechism/us-catholic-catechism-for-adults/

I wouldn't necessarily call this a 'catechism' proper, but it draws out the key teachings of the Catechism and explains it in a bit easier terms. It also directly uses examples of American holy men and women. The link has a full online copy that you can consult.

But, in the grand scheme of things, the CCC is more authoritative than the US Catholic Catechism. 

(btw, the only other "US" catechism would be the Baltimore Catechism).

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Basilisa Marie

The original CCC was actually meant to be more of an academic reference tool than anything. Even the English translation has a lot of technical language, that is, words that mean something "officially" that may have a different meaning in colloquial English. Like the whole "grave reasons" means serious reason, not deadly serious reasons, that sort of thing. It can get confusing if someone just picked it up and read it cover to cover. 

The USCCA is what happened when the US bishops got together and commissioned a version of it that's much more readable and accessible for an adult American audience. In addition to catechism-y things, it has prayers, discussion questions, short stories about the lives of holy Americans (not just saints), etc. 

In my RCIA, I reference the CCC as an authoritative document in my talks and buy each of the catechumens/candidates a copy of the USCCA for them to read on their own (especially as prep for an upcoming topic) and use the questions to get discussion started. Or a version of the questions. 

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