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The Antichrist


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On 6/14/2016 at 8:23 PM, McM RSCJ said:

Josh, please stop.  I think you mean well, but I do not think your posts are in the spirit of the Gospel.  Of course Allah is the same God of Jews and Christians.


23 hours ago, Peace said:

Sure, God cannot be divided against Himself. But why is that relevant? I do not see your point.

I do not see how that disproves the assertion that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God.



9 hours ago, McM RSCJ said:

"For who has known the mind of God and who has been God's Counselor?"

No one of us.

You are correct that neither the Jewish Scriptures nor the Qu'ran reveal God as Trinitarian.  That understanding of God is a distinctive Christian teaching and a mystery central to Christian Faith.

But that does not mean Jews and Muslims worship false Gods or different or lesser or harmful gods.  

You say the belief that Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God is deeply problematic for your Catholic faith.  I wonder why? And I wonder from whom you learned this?


The One True God Christians worship cannot be the same "Allah" who gave to the false prophet Mohammed "revelations" that explicitly deny key Christian dogma - including the divinity, death, resurrection, and salvific mission of Jesus Christ - and ordered his followers to fight against Christians and force them into submission to Islam.  That would be a God divided against Himself.

In its early years, Islam was spread chiefly by violent military conquest and forced submission of mostly Christians.  (Much of the Middle East and most of North Africa was Christian prior to the Muslim conquests.)  Christ's Heavenly Father would not promote violence and persecution against His followers.

So much political correctness, so little common sense reason . . . 

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7 hours ago, Socrates said:

The One True God Christians worship cannot be the same "Allah" who gave to the false prophet Mohammed "revelations" that explicitly deny key Christian dogma - including the divinity, death, resurrection, and salvific mission of Jesus Christ - and ordered his followers to fight against Christians and force them into submission to Islam.  That would be a God divided against Himself.

In its early years, Islam was spread chiefly by violent military conquest and forced submission of mostly Christians.  (Much of the Middle East and most of North Africa was Christian prior to the Muslim conquests.)  Christ's Heavenly Father would not promote violence and persecution against His followers.

Did Mohammed receive a vision or did he just make some stuff up for his own benefit?

Your arguments would also apply to the many Christians (Catholic or otherwise) who have spread heresy or committed unjust violence in the name of God throughout the ages. What god was it that Origen, Arius, Luther and Calvin worshipped? The Angel Moroni perhaps?

If we carefully examined your and my theological understandings I bet we could identify some points on which we are in heresy. Does that mean that we worship the Angel Moroni?

7 hours ago, Socrates said:

So much political correctness, so little common sense reason . . . 

Please. It's in the Catechism. Paragraph 841. Have a nice day.

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Your arguments would also exclude Jews (both those who persecuted Jesus when he was on the Earth and those who deny his divinity today) and almost all Protestants/Anglicans, who caused great division in the Church and have persecuted Her (often using violence) throughout the past few centuries.

I suppose that they all worship Moroni as well.

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Correct me if I'm wrong,. (Lol, like I need to ask....)

According to Catholicism, If anyone does anything good, it is solely through the grace of God.   If Muslims can recognize God if Abraham, it's only through Gods grace that is possible.  All the other stuff may be mistaken baggage, but that does not negate the fact they are partially correct.  They see Goid through a peephole in the door of their Temple, while Catholics believe Muslims are merely peeping into the Catholic Church where God is sitting at the head of the banquet table.  

Same God, just a limited view and understanding.   I don't think it would be accurate to say the can't see God at all.  

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'The False Church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches and religions, forming some type of global association. A world parliament of Churches. It will be emptied of all Divine content, it will be the mystical body of the anti-christ. The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from our Bishops.'--Venerable Fulton J. Sheen



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