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More genders than baskin-robins has flavor of ice cream


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Those aren't all different genders, they're just different words and acronyms people use to describe themselves.

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Actually, per the paper, there are three genders, Male, Female, Something Else.  Other than Man or Woman, the list is 29 expressions of Something Else and are seem to be behavioral (expression) categories. 

The sad institutional establishment of victimhood.   Your a victim if you can't poo with whom you want, and you're a victim if you can't poo with people you don't want.     

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OBAMACARE now covers sex-change surgeries and the like

HHR regulations redefine discrimination on the basis of “sex” to include “sex stereotyping,” “gender identity,” and “termination of pregnancy,” among other things. Under these guidelines, if a covered physician administers treatments or performs surgeries that can further gender transitions, that physician must provide them for gender transitions on the same terms, and insurance must cover it, regardless of the independent medical judgment of the physician.

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Remember that there are people whose gender isn't set through no fault of their own. It's congenital. 

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2 minutes ago, CatherineM said:

Remember that there are people whose gender isn't set through no fault of their own. It's congenital. 

CatherineM - I think that's the basis of little2add's comment. Some doctors might perform surgery to resolve congenital gender confusion issues, but under the HHR mandate, those doctors would be required to perform the same surgeries for other kinds of - what shall we call it? - selective, or elective, gender re-assignments, whether the doctor thinks elective gender re-assignment surgeries are ethical or not.

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I've heard a term - I think it's "product proliferation" - and it might have been discussed in Alvin Toffler's book Future Shock.

The basic idea is that, in the old days, the Coca-Cola company sold a product - Coke. But current society demands variety, either because we all want some particular product, or because we're bored with the old standard products, or the company wants to increase its sales by offering more products.

So now, instead of Coca-Cola selling only Coke, they also sell Diet Coke, and Cherry Coke, and Diet Cherry Coke, and Lime Coke, and Diet Lime Coke, and Caffeine-Free Coke, and Diet Caffeine-Free Coke, and Diet Caffeine-Free Cherry Coke, and on and on and on. Product proliferation has occurred with cigarettes, coffee, hamburgers, cars - virtually every product line in the country.

It seems to me that this proliferation of terms to describe people's sexuality is simply product proliferation applied to sex, which American society has commodified through magazines, television, film, pornography, the Internet, etc. And of course, the standard Big Brother tactic (based on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) of changing the terms in an effort to control people's perception of reality. I don't think that actually works, but a lot of people do, so they use that tactic whenever they can.

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2 hours ago, Luigi said:

CatherineM - I think that's the basis of little2add's comment. Some doctors might perform surgery to resolve congenital gender confusion issues, but under the HHR mandate, those doctors would be required to perform the same surgeries for other kinds of - what shall we call it? - selective, or elective, gender re-assignments, whether the doctor thinks elective gender re-assignment surgeries are ethical or not.

Actually some intersexed individuals are choosing not to have surgery. Parents are encouraged to wait until the child is older for any surgery unless there is an issue with urination, then minimal surgery is done to correct the issue. Some people are opting against further surgery when they're older. 

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11 hours ago, Luigi said:

I've heard a term - I think it's "product proliferation" - and it might have been discussed in Alvin Toffler's book Future Shock.

The basic idea is that, in the old days, the Coca-Cola company sold a product - Coke. But current society demands variety, either because we all want some particular product, or because we're bored with the old standard products, or the company wants to increase its sales by offering more products.

So now, instead of Coca-Cola selling only Coke, they also sell Diet Coke, and Cherry Coke, and Diet Cherry Coke, and Lime Coke, and Diet Lime Coke, and Caffeine-Free Coke, and Diet Caffeine-Free Coke, and Diet Caffeine-Free Cherry Coke, and on and on and on. Product proliferation has occurred with cigarettes, coffee, hamburgers, cars - virtually every product line in the country.

It seems to me that this proliferation of terms to describe people's sexuality is simply product proliferation applied to sex, which American society has commodified through magazines, television, film, pornography, the Internet, etc. And of course, the standard Big Brother tactic (based on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) of changing the terms in an effort to control people's perception of reality. I don't think that actually works, but a lot of people do, so they use that tactic whenever they can.

You know what? That makes perfect sense! 

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