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Little Sisters of the Poor win Supreme Court


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My understanding is that it has just been kicked down the road for a later date. It's a short term victory.

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9 hours ago, Amppax said:

My understanding is that it has just been kicked down the road for a later date. It's a short term victory.

I hope not :dontlike:

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On 5/17/2016, 9:58:52, Amppax said:

My understanding is that it has just been kicked down the road for a later date. It's a short term victory.

Yeah, it's not a final victory. The thread title and even the announcement on the website make it seem more final than it is. But still, I do think it's important.

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 The real question that should be asked is why HHS mandated contraception? Why not dental/oral health, vision, or hearing which are all gender neutral? Poor oral health affects every system in the body. The answer is very clear.

The administration wanted to go after christianity, particularly the Catholic church. No other reason.

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