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Does Luck Exist...


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I'd give my two cents but I have a paper and other notes to write. Have at it, boys and girls.

Edited by XIX
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believeing in luck is like believing in the devil. theres a difference between luck and providence isnt there?

you have wayy too many titles by the way

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[quote]you have wayy too many titles by the way[/quote]

Wouldnt it be nicer asthestically if the titles were under your avatar and info as opposed to above it?

Just a suggestion.

Oh, and luck? Evil? Providence? I lost my little dictionary/encyclopedia on my header so I cant give a definition just yet. But I'll get back to you on that one.


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Depends upon your definition of luck.

I believe that things happen that God did not intend. But I believe that no matter what happens, God presents another side to it or a new opportunity. Luck happens sometimes. Evil happens sometimes. God provides Grace always.

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People create their own luck.

If I say that God doesn't exist, does He still exist? Of course. Will I think He exists? No. If He doesn't exist to me, will I put Him in my life? No.

If I say that luck exists, does it really exist? I don't know. Will I think it exists? Yes. If it exists to me, will I put it in my life? Most likely.

That was kind of confusing, but do you see? People create their own luck. I may not think I'm lucky; someone else might. There are some athiests that are considered lucky by other people. Does it have anything to do with them putting their trust in God or anything like that? No; they're athiests. Again, people create their own luck.

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Luck? Just a fancy name for chance. In response to "God's Will": I agree with this, but not everything is predestined so there [i]is[/i] such thing as chance, but not luck. Luck is just superstitious.

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If your christian there is no such thing as luck. Luck relies on something other than God for the purpose and meaning in a certain scenario. Either God willed it, or we caused it thru our own actions.

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