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Abortion Track


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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote]It's the "Pro-Life: beat on soundclick [/quote]

I like it, but is there anyway we might be able to boost the BPM by maybe 5 or so? I think it would assist me in my style of rhyming. If that is gonna burn ya'll though...I guess I could throw some brakes on. ;) :D

This track is gonna hit hard. :cool:

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[quote]OK BRO, IT'S at 95 bpm now and it's on Soundlick!! [/quote]

Sweet...thanks dude! I will listen to it as soon as I get home.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My finished verse:

For 30 years long, hearin the same sorrow song
of blood shed and tears that mirror the cries of the young
dumbfounds this one how thousands (u)pon thousands come
to kock their guns and slaughter sons with doctor's gloves
God's greatest gift victimed by world's viscious sin
Submittin their riches for stitches that won't heal in the end
Actin as malicious merchants sellin sex and buyin dying
testifying to truth, but living a lie
Why is it that the mass blasts are class acts
to the eye, but gas mask attacks combat facts?
Fact is, some activists miss the jist
that justice is not puttin hits on clinics (but)
It is raising up your fists in resistance
preaching repentance and seeking forgiveness
Six-hundred kin killed while you've been listenin
Like rigormortis take a minute and let it set in

Your thoughts?


Edited by Apollo
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[quote]but he'll never beat Balboa [/quote]

"my flows hit hard like blows to tha nose of Rocky Balbo-a"


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Here's my verse, tell me what ya'll think

Grave decisions, made in abortion clinics, Catholics pray, rosaries for an end to this sin, it’s not a matter of Choice, but murder of a Child made in God’s image/a new creation, a miracle, it’s sacred/all have a right life, no one has the right to take it, face it, the apostles taught the way of life, and warned about abortion and infantcide we’re going to turn the tides, rid society of lies saying it’s just a blob of tissue, if you haven’t seen the pictures, look deeper in the issue, a special and unique human being, life before birth destroyed for what reason? you were once in a womb, we want you to see this, envision metal tools and suction tubes tearing you to pieces, the horror I know we fight unceasing around the globe, the rise of the death toll, 40 million and counting, the stopping of those little hearts pounding, America doesn’t know what Abortion is, open your eyes, we’ll show you it..

Edited by MC Just
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  • 4 weeks later...

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