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33 Days to Merciful Love: Consecration to Divine Mercy


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On Divine Mercy Sunday I found out about the book 33 Days to Merciful Love by Father Michael Gaitley. Many of you might have read his book 33 Days to Morning Glory, on Marian Consecration. Anyway, his new book is a sequel to that one, and it has to do with Consecration to Divine Mercy. This consecration incorporates the spirituality of St. Therese and the devotions to the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy. I've been making my way through the preparation and I'm currently on the 29th day. What I've read so far is really eye-opening…

Father talks about the desire to receive all the grace and mercy that nobody else wants and thus console the heart of Christ. He suggests that it is easier now, more than ever, to become a saint, and not just any kind of saint, but rather a great one. He talks about the 2 virtues of magnanimity and humility as the means of accomplishing this. After reading the 1st few days, you'll see how quickly it's possible. It has to do with the Little Way, of doing small things with great love and becoming entirely dependent on God so he would “take you to the heights of heaven.” There's an analogy that I've been thinking about after reading this book––a slingshot: humility is pulling back on it and magnanimity is the propulsion forward. If you think about it, smaller objects go the furthest on a slingshot.

I highly recommend reading this book along with The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told, also by Father Michael… it provides background on why one should make both kinds of consecration. Great reading for this Jubilee Year of Mercy… seriously, please read these books. Now is the time for mercy, for trusting in God like you never done before, and for becoming a great saint. Don't worry, it's all practical stuff that is totally doable. Just thought I'd share.


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I have the Lighthouse version of The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told. I've listened to it about 3 times, it's really neat. There are parts that are still with me and they run through my head every so often. I've seen 33 Days to Merciful Love around but reading what you said Seven, I have to buy it now...

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