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Lady Gaga


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Not a fan but she posted this yeaterday........Thank you Father Duffell for a beautiful homily as always and lunch at my pop's restaurant. 

I was so moved today when you said.. "The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food that God gives us." - Father Duffell, Blessed Sacrament Church 

Nourishment. .


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Nihil Obstat

Like most strong medicines, the Eucharist can be harmful or even deadly to a person who receives it recklessly and without discernment. I think Ms. Germanotta would do well to remember that.

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I don't know much about Lady Gaga, but I heard her do an interview on the radio once and she came across as really cool and down to Earth. I was pretty surprised given how big of a celebrity she is.

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Just now, Era Might said:

Find her a a Catholic husband and settle her down. I nominate @Josh to get the job done.

That's hilarious lol

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I always feel sorry for celebrities. I think that Jesus always looks at them with “a heart  full of pity.”  Prayers that she gets hit with the Holy Spirit, (the power that made the veil in the Temple rip, as Father Stan Fortuna would say) this Pentecost.

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Singer Lady Gaga has hit back at a Catholic blogger who insinuated she is a hypocrite for sharing her Christian faith while living an “obscene life”.

The 30-year-old challenged the author of an article entitled ‘From Lady Gaga to Steph Curry: 5 Things to Remember When Celebrities Share Their Faith’ featured on Catholic Link.

The article came days after Lady Gaga posted a photo of herself and a priest sharing the eucharist, thanking him for teaching that “eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food that God gives us”.

“It has become somewhat of a trend for celebrities to share their faith,” wrote Becky Roach, author of the article.

“Many celebrities are sharing Bible verses, quoting priests, and singing Christian music while at the same time still leading a typical Hollywood lifestyle void of Christian values such as modesty and purity.”                                                                                                                Lady Gaga replied: “Dear Becky Roach, Mary Magdalene washed the feet of Christ and was protected and loved by him. A prostitute. Someone society shames as if she and her body are a man’s trash can. He loved her and did not judge. He let her cry over him and dry his feet with the hair of a harlot. We are not just “celebrities” we are humans and sinners, children, and our lives are not void of values because we struggle. We are as equally forgiven as our neighbor.

“God is never a trend no matter who the believer,” the singer wrote.



(Not Lady Gaga's fault but probably a Pope to blame for this mix up)

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:clapping:I commend her. She started to grow on me when she did the Sound of Music tribute at that Awards show. Was it the Oscars? 

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1 minute ago, Nihil Obstat said:

Jesus called sinners to repentance.

Yes. And he didn't call the righteous at all, not even to repentance. The righteous weren't even worthy of repentance.

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Nihil Obstat
4 hours ago, Era Might said:

Yes. And he didn't call the righteous at all, not even to repentance. The righteous weren't even worthy of repentance.

Those righteous were also all sinners. Lady Gaga as much as everyone else would be called to "sin no more". Which necessitates an absolute, unconditional rejection of her scandalous public persona.

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2 minutes ago, Nihil Obstat said:

Those righteous were also all sinners. Lady Gaga as much as everyone else would be called to "sin no more". Which necessitates an absolute, unconditional rejection of her scandalous public persona.

Only in Puritan New England. Catholicism is adept at letting people sin their way to heaven.

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