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Liberation Theology: What's Its Status?


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13 hours ago, Basilisa Marie said:

And that's exactly why some theologians have been asked to defend themselves to the Vatican, etc, because lots of work does give the impression that religion is meant for liberation in this world and that's it. Jon Sobrino was 'notified' (not censured) by the vatican because some of his work may cause harm or errors among the faithful, because many thought he put too much emphasis on the humanity of Jesus, and has a different kind of ecclesiology, among other things. Wikipedia talks about it. I've read most of his Jesus the Liberator, and it's pretty clear that unless you have a good foundation and understand where he's coming from it's definitely volatile stuff. I mean, it's fairly volatile anyway. It's things that can very, very easily slide into a "god wants me to violently overthrow the murderous and wealthy oligarchy," which misses the point (and also, obviously, the question of the morality of things like killing hitler and overthrowing the nazis is yet another murky question [hello, bonhoeffer]). 

And you're absolutely right - those interested in reading more about liberation theology NEED to have a solid foundation first, and I really think it's better to encounter it seriously when you're in a classroom setting where a knowledgeable professor can help you understand where it sits in the greater theological landscape. Definitely not something for Joe Catholic to just order off of Amazon. 

You knew Fr. Rother??? Dude. He was a Mount grad. Some friends of mine (who now run a catholic media company) did their senior project on some video lives of the saints, and included his story. Amazing stuff. 

I'm from Oklahoma originally and did a mission trip with him. He was extraordinary. I pray for his canonization daily. I'm hoping to be his miracle actually. 

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