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Thank you enitharmon - the movie may not arrive in Australia for a while perhaps, but I am going to be keeping an eagle eye out for it.  It will be very interesting to view the death and resurrection of Jesus from a different perspective and attitude at least in fiction and potentially, although based on truth, a creative - and completely fictional story -  seems (from the trailer) to have been wound around that basic truth (Scripture) and that guards were put at the tomb where Jesus had been buried and could not explain where His Body had gone.  The suspicious nature of the chief priests and Pharisees about Jesus stating that He would rise from death after three days - and their request of Pilate to guard the tomb just in case the followers of Jesus try to go to the tomb and steal the Body of Jesus.

To read what Scripture says about the events immediately after the death and burial of Jesus go to Matthew Chapter 27 starting around V51 and read over into Chapter 28 and read to V15.  It is not lengthy.

Chapter 27 V51 begins here: http://www.drbo.org/chapter/47027.htm

Should be a very interesting movie indeed - thank you again:like2:

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One of my Priests raved about it. He saw it 3 times. He told everyone to see it. I haven't yet but if he thinks it's good then it must be.

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