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Baptism Track


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ok dudes... im gonna start topics on all the tracks im on. i think others should do the same. it will be organized that way...

who else is on this track?

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hey yall. whoever wants to be on this track... (Miko - where you at???) I really like "The God Father Beat" by Clockwork. listen to it. I will rip it...


J the Primate

check it out here, under the phatmass folder: [url="http://homepage.mac.com/nathanproulx"]Clockwork's beats[/url]

Edited by flip
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Whassup Flip!

The sample in that beat is a little off rhythm, so my dad re-recorded the sample so it'd be on beat and no royalties!! I'll let you know when I have the revised version up. But use the old one for now, I'll keep the same drums and tempo...


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let me, plunge like a sir-unge under the Son
while the, One washes me done, the devil runs
check it - how amazing is the biblical tradition
that seperates my flesh from spirit, praying from sinning,
and in the begginning, being born with a curse
from one fruit of a tree, our knowledge is stained from birth
and remains on Earth....

this is what i have so far... ill add to it soon enough... or, if someone wants to pik up where i left off that would be cool as well...

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let me, plunge like a sir-unge under the Son
while the, One washes me done, the devil runs
check it - how amazing is the universal tradition
that seperates my flesh from spirit, praying from sinning,
and in the begginning, being born with a curse
from one fruit of a tree, our knowledge is stained from birth
and remains on Earth - but we are saved through this element
the blood of Christ transformed physically - must be heaven sent
as I perform lyrically and bathed in water spirtually
in the Trinity, within me, Divinity is presently
with one man from Galilee, cradled in his cousin's arms
the label Baptist's far from the modern translations harm
this seperated persusasion is ultimately falling off
I don't just publicly profess - I have a second birth in God
so - take it to heart - the perfect Faith does exist
So remain in the hope and rebirth in God's fist

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thanks dudes.

now its time for someone to step up and write the next verse... and I am calling out.....hmmmm.... MIKO! COME ON DOWN!

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Sweet work!!!

think I will take a swing at it for the fun of it. no props, just cuz I have the time now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going out of town for three weeks. Seminarian retreat and then parish mission trip...I will pray for you guys on both and hopefully I can come up with something to spit out at yall when I get back. I only have a few more days so prayers would be apreciated. ROCK ON!!!

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so i recorded my verse and like half a chorus...

the chorus goes:

Washed in the blood
Washed three in one
Washed by the living God who gave us His begotten Son

[url="http://www.soundclick.com/primatebeats"]Click "Baptism"[/url]

tell me if its sounding ok...

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I like it. Don't like the effect on the hook, but that's kinda irrelevant.

Is everyone else on this track cool with using this beat?

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yeah... im gonna do some more mixing and production on it... but you get my drift.... too bad no one else is responding...

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