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Beautiful Catholic picture books or coffee table books?


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Does anyone know of any? Art books about Mary or the saints or the Vatican? I'm talking gorgeous pictures. 

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Nihil Obstat

I have a big old more or less coffee table style book on the Vatican. It's more "pictures + short write-ups" rather than primarily beautiful pictures. But it's nice. The pictures certainly are beautiful. I also have a large book showcasing Raphael's painting. I am meaning to get a Bouguereau art book in particular.

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I had a whole bunch bookmarked on Amazon and now when it's time to buy they aren't available grrr. I want my daughter to have lots of beautiful Catholic things to look at. I remember in my childhood looking at gorgeous pictures and it made a huge impression even though we weren't raised as practicing Catholics. 

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You can get facsimile editions of the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Book of Kells, like this one. I think those would be worth having. As she gets older you could even get her some calligraphy workbooks based on them. Books of church architecture (search by country) might also be good, and books on stained glass.

I have a beautiful huge illuminated copy of John's Gospel, but the patterns and designs are more abstract and the text itself would obviously be beyond her. When I'm home I will check the publication details and see if I can find it online for you in the US, in case you think it's suitable - I know the publisher did a whole series of New Testament books.

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I have mine that I got at the Vatican. And I have one that I got at the Vatican Splendors exhibit

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The book "A Short Guide to Praying as a Family" put together by the Dominican Sisters from Nashville, has stained glass images throughout. I don't have a copy, but I've heard it's beautiful and really well put together. 

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