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Mark Shea


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A reader writes: "random thought....What I don't understand is how Pope Francis is confusing or ambiguous, While.At.The.Same.Time. saying he is changing Catholic teaching.  

I am not a genius, but I don't find him confusing.  But let's say I did....Wouldn't I stop and think "maybe I am understanding him wrong" when I condemn him, call for his removal, and call him Bergoglio?"


Well, yes.  But that's because you are sane and humble and don't consider yourself one of the Greatest Catholics of All Time, sent by God Almighty to relieve Jesus of his duties and anointed to be Savior of the Church from the Pope.


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I like Mark, and he's been really good to me. Better than several others who considered me to be a close friend of theirs, in fact. He's amusing when he really nails a point and sees something I missed, and I find his take on things to be reliably interesting and valuable.

He sometimes says things in a way that I wouldn't personally, of course, but such differences are normal.

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When I completely lost my faith 3 years back I reached out to him on Facebook. He immediately replied and helped me out. Continuously offered to talk to me on the phone and help me with any issues I was struggling with. I was humbled.

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A reader writes "Mark, you oppose the conservative advocacy of war-mongering and contempt for the poor, yet you also think it's just fine for some student to be allowed to oppose homosexual acts without being kicked out of college, which is not at all in keeping with the Left.  You oppose abortion and yet you also oppose the death penalty.  You think racism is bad, but you also think there is no such thing as gay marriage."


I am large.  I contain multitudes.


Someday, I'm going to say, "I'm a Catholic who believes the teaching of the Church" enough times that it will reach a critical mass (GET IT?) and people will begin to entertain the remote and incredible possibility that I mean what I say.

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Ash Wednesday

I corresponded with him via email a very long time ago. Both being from Washington state, he was supposed to tell me his "rubber chicken holy spirit" story... related to the loopy things that go on in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Unless he finally got around to telling it and someone else has heard it...maybe I'll bug him about it again. :)

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I'm listening to the debate now. I find it somewhat ironic that Chris Ferrara acts all personally offended and like Mark made this grave false caricature by making a simple joke that I don't think was aimed personally at him in the first place, and then says "I hope you can refrain from doing that throughout the debate", which creates a false caricature of Mark saying all he's capable of is cheap shots.

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Nihil Obstat
5 minutes ago, PhuturePriest said:

I'm listening to the debate now. I find it somewhat ironic that Chris Ferrara acts all personally offended and like Mark made this grave false caricature by making a simple joke that I don't think was aimed personally at him in the first place, and then says "I hope you can refrain from doing that throughout the debate", which creates a false caricature of Mark saying all he's capable of is cheap shots.

I thought they did a good job of keeping it light-hearted. Keep in mind that this did not occur in a vacuum. There's a long history of the Remnant and Shea taking potshots at each other. I was pleasantly surprised at how friendly they were.

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Just now, Nihil Obstat said:

I thought they did a good job of keeping it light-hearted. Keep in mind that this did not occur in a vacuum. There's a long history of the Remnant and Shea taking potshots at each other. I was pleasantly surprised at how friendly they were.

I was somewhat nervous when I heard about the match-up before it happened, given the history. I'm 30 minutes so far and it's gotten slightly heated, but overall it's been pretty cordial.

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On 4/13/2016 1:08:29, Nihil Obstat said:

If you are interested, Mark Shea and Chris Ferrara had a friendly debate a few weeks back.


Thanks for posting this. I attempted to listen last night and fell asleep. Going to try again soon. Was enjoying what I heard before I fell asleep.

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I'm an hour through. I have to say Chris Ferrara came off more likable than I thought he would. I read some negative stuff about him but I liked his demeanor and he made good points.

But that he's associated with people who write this makes me not want yo be open to anything he says....... "By now it should be manifestly clear to all but the invincibly ignorant or hopelessly obtuse that the rogue who currently holds the office of pope speaks and acts more like a vicar of an anti-Christ than a Successor of Saint Peter. To put it bluntly, the flock of Christ is being ravaged by a wolf rather than protected by a shepherd. The recent papal exhortation is but the latest example in a long litany of papal outrages against truth and godliness. For three insufferable years Bishop Francis of Rome has been given sufficient rope to hang himself, leaving no doubt among the faithful remnant that we have a terribly rogue Pope on a Rope."

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Just now, Josh said:


But that he's associated with people who write this makes me not want yo be open to anything he says....... 

* to

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Nihil Obstat
4 hours ago, Josh said:

I'm an hour through. I have to say Chris Ferrara came off more likable than I thought he would. I read some negative stuff about him but I liked his demeanor and he made good points.

But that he's associated with people who write this makes me not want yo be open to anything he says....... "By now it should be manifestly clear to all but the invincibly ignorant or hopelessly obtuse that the rogue who currently holds the office of pope speaks and acts more like a vicar of an anti-Christ than a Successor of Saint Peter. To put it bluntly, the flock of Christ is being ravaged by a wolf rather than protected by a shepherd. The recent papal exhortation is but the latest example in a long litany of papal outrages against truth and godliness. For three insufferable years Bishop Francis of Rome has been given sufficient rope to hang himself, leaving no doubt among the faithful remnant that we have a terribly rogue Pope on a Rope."

I am not really able properly to respond to this on Phatmass.

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