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Are Catholic Bishops too smart for their own good?


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On 4/2/2016, 8:31:52, abon12 said:


I wouldnt infer the question to be anti-intellectual though it may seem like that is what it is implying. to believe one has to think and assent with faith, so the intellect (coupled with the will) is an intrinsic part of schonborn and kaspers progressive decisions of the faith. something went wrong there. that is what i am pointing out. its not anti-intellectual but "anti-faith." faith should be the backbone of reason. 

I agree with nihil who poses there is a disconnect between peoples faith and reason. I find it almost unbelievable that cardinals can be influenced by the modern spirit of rationalism, progressivism, liberalism with all the philosophical training and study they had. That is why i said that i think it is better to have a bishop like st peter who is not as smart but has a strong faith then a cardinal whose faith has been led astray by an unprincipled reason. 

I was referring to the title, "Are Catholic Bishops Too Smart for Their Own Good?", not the content of the original post. The implication is that it's possible to be "so smart" (which I read as "so educated") that one loses one's faith.

But others have handled that reading.

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"It can no longer simply be said that all those in any irregular situations are living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace,"he wrote.  Even those in an "objective situation of sin" can be in a state if grace, and can even be more pleasing to God by trying to improve, he said.  

Attributed to Pope Francis', "The Joy of Love" in a recent AP article. 

Edited by Anomaly
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