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Philosophy Discussions for Nerds


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Tried searching my YouTube history, I think this is the video I was talking about, if not still worth a watch:


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John Locke smells of elderberries. Anyone who can't explain what they mean simply is not worth reading. Alas, this is required.

Can anyone help me to understand primary and secondary characteristics, as well as his thing on sensation, ideas, and quality? The book tries explaining it, but it's not doing it very well.

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If you wanna read something nobody understands, read Wittgenstein. There's a general consensus about what he said, but nobody really knows for sure what he actually intended. As far as the general consensus goes, I like it.

I also liked all the natural language philosophers, and Peirce. Quine's translation theory was also good.

But my heart... My heart belongs to Habermas. :love:

Oh, and my favorite field of philosophy is epistemology. Hands down.

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