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At Mass this morning, the translation Father read for The Gospel stated: "Go into the city and tell so and so that My hour is near"  The "so and so" leapt out at me as did to tell so and so that "My hour is near".  When I came home, I looked up the Vatican Bible Translation  which states " "Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, 'The teacher says, "My appointed time draws near; in your house I shall celebrate the Passover with my disciples."

It seems to me that the mysterious person must have had an intimate relationship with Jesus since Jesus instructs the disciples who approached him about the location for the Passover to state to the mysterious man "My appointed time draws near". This would seem to indicate that the mystery person would know what the "My appointed time" means without any further explanation necessary......i.e. intimate relationship?

Looked up Haydock's Bible Commentary




Ver. 18. To a certain man, whom Sts. Mark and Luke call, the good man of the house, or master of the house. When St. Matthew therefore says, a certain man, he seems to do it for brevity's sake; as no one ever speaks to his servants thus, go to a certain man. The evangelist, therefore, after giving our Saviour's words, go ye into a certain city, he adds as from himself, to a certain man, to inform us that there was a particular man to whom Jesus sent his disciples. (St. Augustine) --- In Greek, ton deina; in Hebrew, Pelona; words that express a person whose name is either not known, or is wished to be kept secret. (Jansenius)  My note: Jansenius (Jansenism) Catholic Culture "Condemnation of Jansenism" 

I personally cannot come to any factual type conclusion except that there is indeed much we know and much we do not know.  I just might have missed it all in my hearing, except that what Father said "so and so" along with "My hour is near" caught my attention



 John Chapter 21

"25 There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written."

I was watching a documentary last night which took the camera into the supposed room of The Last Supper.  It certainly struck me as a rich person's residence - although being a site of so much reverential focus for so long, it had probably been decorated, restored etc.  Noting, of course, that these documentaries are not always reliable, nor are the sites of necessity the actual sites. Because of the documentary I began to wonder his morning if the mystery person was some high up Jewish or even Roman official where it would be dangerous for the person to be so closely associated with Jesus at that particular time in His Life.  Certainly, in the previous recent Mass Gospels, serious efforts were being made to trap Jesus.



The personal conclusion I am coming to is that there are mystery people all around us who do have an intimate relationship with Jesus.

I just found those very short words in The Gospel this morning most intriguing........and still musing and researching ........... sufficient I think to keep me out of mischief today.........I hope!  

If anyone can shed some light on today's Gospel and the mystery person - most welcome!





Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Outside having my time to time cigarette ('gave cigs up' over 10 years ago now!!!), when another thought struck me.  There are probably many around us who do have an intimate relationship with Jesus and whom Jesus honours in some way............it would have been an honour for the mystery person to have The Last Supper in his/her home since it would be the last 'official' gathering of Jesus and His apostles before His death and resurrection.......before "My hour is near".

I am in a different demographic of the population in this rather affluent suburb.  But in my prior suburb it was beset with poverty and social problems.  The bus trip into the CBD (central business district) was an hour's journey and I was regularly on that bus.  It stunned me at first the stories one would hear just chatting to the person next to me on the bus.  I came to have a saying for myself "you never know who you sit next to on the bus".  I had the same experience when I did voluntary work for Anglicare.  The bus trip from Anglicare help desk offices to the city (where I caught my bus home) was much shorter than an hour, but often those on the bus knew me from Anglicare and I would sometimes hear more of their stories too (other than what I might have heard on the help desk).  I can just never know who I am 'sitting with on the bus', meaning even in this affluent type suburb, all around me have their own quite unique story and journey. Every person is a one only, a one of, and every person around me is being called.

The Gospel this morning is renewing my appreciation of all around me - all of us without exception beloved children of The Father.  Children of The Father who may be outstanding people and blest in ways that I may never see.

My SD last visit asked me when I feel most close to God.  I replied: "sitting outside under my pergola especially at night and more especially if I am smoking a cigarette".  All he did was laugh.  All I need do now to "return to form" is add a nice glass of dry red claret with my now and then cigarette.  Think I might buy a cheap bottle next visit to the shops after the Easter Triduum.  My Seroquel anti-psychotic has been reduced from 300mg to 200mg about a month ago.  My psychiatrist 'can't believe her eyes' and so I am staying on the 200mg for another 3 months (before reducing again) just to ensure I don't leap off planet earth again into madness and psychosis.  But on 200mg, it is so good to be able to get up in the morning early without a major Seroquel hangover.  I told my psyche that I might be a bit manic but it is in my control.  "Why do you think you are manic?"

Ran something like this:

"I just feel so good, more motivated with more energy. Doing those things I really would like to do, rather than only what I think I might be able to do"

"I don't think you are manic at all.  You are allowed to be happy, you know".

Blessing indeed to have my SD's and psychiatrist's affirmation.  Although I must confess, my SD certainly seems to regularly see the funny side of me which I find elusive. C'est la vie!..........and on we go..............

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My son takes seroquel so I'm familiar with that hangover. You're story reminds me why it is useful to study different translations of the bible and its original language. 

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Beautiful thoughts, thanks. Also a reminder not to be afraid to go where you are sent, because Christ has people waiting on your arrival, even though you don't know them. "Entertaining angels unawares" as St. Paul puts it.

Edited by Era Might
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