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Pictures of Saint Joseph


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Happy St Joseph Day!

I thought it might be fun to share with each other some pictures we are fond of Saint Joseph (In honor of his feast today!). To start, I'd like to share a personal favorite of mine, Joseph and the Child Jesus working on carpentry.

Father and Son, by Corbert Gauthier


Many paintings of Joseph and Jesus have some object that makes reference to the future Passion of Jesus. The piece of wood that Jesus holds may be a reference to the cross-beam he will later carry to Calvary, but it may also be just a piece of wood he is learning to plane. His father Joseph watches him fondly, ready to lend a gnarled hand should the child need help. Gauthier's painting has a lovely serenity not often seen in representations of this scene.

Edited by Charbel
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Lovely artistic images - all of them.  I have a lovely statue here of St Joseph.  30cm with St Joseph in a carpenter's apron and some carpentry tools.  I have a two other smaller traditional statues of this great saint as well (same image as Charbel posted HERE).

When the feast of St Joseph and other special days in our calendar come around, Holy Week.  I muse over whether St Joseph from Heaven knew that Jesus was being tortured and then crucified - and that Mary on earth was in deep distress..........how ardent his prayers must have been.  How great must have been Our Lady's distress hearing that her Son was arrested - she knew what had happened to His cousin, John The Baptist.  As Patron of The Church, I am confident that the prayers of St Joseph are with us every day and in all examples and areas of The Church and others suffering at this point in time.  It must have been terribly difficult for St Joseph to die and leave Our Lady and Jesus alone.  It must have been difficult too for Our Lady in a special way and Jesus too to let St Joseph go..........Joseph had guarded them and protected them, guided Jesus, with great diligence and love. St Joseph had been head of their family and they had experienced his constant support in all things.

Sure, Our Lady and St Joseph were outstandingly Graced by God and united to HIs Will lovingly.......but they were completely human too.  Grace and unity with God's Will with love does not, of necessity I don't think diminish the strictly human element.  In fact, such blessings will make one even more human in every way. If one is united to God's Will lovingly without ever any suffering, that is a Special Gift.  If one is united to God's Will lovingly despite any and all suffering one experiences, that is a Special Gift also.  I tend to think that Our Lady and St Joseph both "drank of the cup" that Jesus was to drink..........i.e. extreme human suffering, spiritual, mental and emotional martyrdom.

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Spem in alium
23 hours ago, veritasluxmea said:


St. Joseph and Jesus - Charcoal/pastel drawing by Sister Marie-Bernard, MICM

This is beautiful. I also really like these ones:



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17 hours ago, DominicanHeart said:

We have a beautiful statue of him in our Church but he's all covered up for Holy Week. :(

Can you post a picture of it after Easter? I'd love to see it.

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