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The Crown of Thorns and Mental Illness


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Peace Amppax...

I enjoyed what i read but couldn't stomach the Father Louis Beirnaert, S.J. excert so didn't read the whole thing. Mental illness doesn't and shouldn't automaticaly mean rebel, for we are all rebels in the shadow of Gods supreme light and holiness and just as a person without mental illness can submit to the teachings of the magesterium and have a great adoration for the holy sacraments so can someone with mental illness under Gods abundant Grace and Mercy.

I truly believe most on the planet have some form of mental illness in the sense that there are 3 distinctive thought patterns of any one individual in general and that is , the shadow, the ego and the self. The shadow being a demon, the ego being an angel (not the traditional sense of ego and pride in pschoogy) and than there is the self and it is up to the self to obey either the demon or the angel and perhaps even utterly reject both demon and angel, i don't know. But in that, some have multiple demons that attack them and the more demons attacking the more intense the mental and emotional anguish. None are excempt from these temptations of the enemy/enemies unless they have over come and magnified there guardian angel so that the enemy/s voice/s becomes quiet dull and almost powerless which i believe some most or half of the holy saints achieved with Gods Grace by the end of there life. It was described to me by a man as O.D.A.P (our demonic alternate personality) and that ODAP is a lower power and one needs a higher power that bears down upon it untill it shrinks to nothing or almost nothing, and of course that higher power is God and the whole cohort of heaven( angels and saints).


Anyhow this is all just my discerment and i could be wrong. Also I have a mental illness.


Onward Christian Souls.

God Bless

Jesus iz LORD.

P.s. Here is a song i love about the crown of thorns, hope you all love it...


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Plus i would like to add that i'm really leaning towards the thought of that the why as to someone who would not adhere to the magesterium is a matter of faith and not a matter of mentality in such that the person perhaps does not believe that the magesterium and more particularly the Holy Magesterium is not the true leaders of Christs Church whom have the authority to teach 'the way'. Anyone can fall into such heresy. Same goes for holy scripture, either you believe that it is the word of God and Infallible in Faith and Morals or not, it is a no brainer and requires little to no intellect, though experience perhaps aids in faith so i say if you don't believe because either you do or you don't than perhaps you are a goat or a wolf in sheeps clothing and if you fall under either of these to categories than do as i did and pray each day that the LORD turn you into a sheep, even ask for a sign that the magesterium is Christs authority on earth and or that Holy Scripture is infallible in matters of faith and morals. Signs are good, if you truly seek them not only for your own glory but that of God and the salvation of all mankind you will receive one, if your heart is deceived and it is for your glory than perhaps you will not.

So along with the roman centurion we say to the LORD " LORD i believe, help me with my unbelief."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I really lean towards the possible truth that it is not that the person can not believe but is unwilling to believe for whatever reason. I guess the greatest and most wide spread reason is Pride, in that the individual does not want to give him or herself completely to another, let alone another that he or she can not see, one desires to be ones own God and reason.

 I doubt either mental fitness or unfitness defines the willingness to believe, it surely it is the messianic drama between Self God and God. Believing can be difficult for anyone at 1st as a non convert unless there is a miracle or during a dark night for the converted, and is impossible without the Grace of God and fellowship of the Brethren or a miracle. And that someone with a mental illness is always going to rebel is just 'puke', that is denying the very power of God, many with mental illness change over time while following the way or even miraculously in an instant like i did for 6 years 13 years ago after my 1st confession back in the fold. Perhaps there are serious mental conditions that this man is talking about and perhaps mine is not so serious or something, though it has hospitalised me 3 times. Even so to say there always going to rebel is to give up True Hope in the power of God, in my belief anyway. One must always Hope for miracles though not expect them i guess, without true hope in the mighty power of Jesus Christ i think we as a church are dead in the water.

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