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Pope to Meet Russian Orthodox Patriarch


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This is good news that was bound to happen some time or another, though I'm rather skeptical that anything will actually come out of it. We might see a weakly worded statement asserting that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East isn't good, but an overt cry that Europe is losing its soul in the midst of its secularization and that the jihad being visited upon them is the wrath of a just God, which can be averted by turning back to their ancient faiths and abjuring the novelties of His cultured despisers likely isn't forthcoming. It doesn't seem Francis's style, alas.

Nevertheless, I hope this will be the end of a long détente and that meetings between Pope and Patriarch will become more regular.

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18 minutes ago, bardegaulois said:

This is good news that was bound to happen some time or another, though I'm rather skeptical that anything will actually come out of it. We might see a weakly worded statement asserting that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East isn't good, but an overt cry that Europe is losing its soul in the midst of its secularization and that the jihad being visited upon them is the wrath of a just God, which can be averted by turning back to their ancient faiths and abjuring the novelties of His cultured despisers likely isn't forthcoming. It doesn't seem Francis's style, alas.

Hmm. Either it is not Pope Francis's style, or what you wrote is simply not true.

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10 minutes ago, Peace said:

Hmm. Either it is not Pope Francis's style, or what you wrote is simply not true.

"It doesn't seem Francis's style, alas." Note that word in bold. Of course, I'm willing to be surprised, but my past observations tell me what is likely and what isn't. You'll notice in my writing I use many words such as "likely" or "seem." It allows me to avoid making assertions that simply cannot be made, but merely to present what strikes me as the most possible outcome.

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Your use of the word "seem" is duly noted sir.

To clarify, when I wrote "or what you wrote is simply not true" I was referencing this statement:

Europe is losing its soul in the midst of its secularization and that the jihad being visited upon them is the wrath of a just God, which can be averted by turning back to their ancient faiths and abjuring the novelties of His cultured despisers . . .

Do you have a prophetic vision or insight into the mind of God that I am not aware of? The last time I checked I do not recall Him having put out any statements that the recent attacks in Europe are a result of His anger.

And I do not think that Europe is any worse than North America, where money is our god.

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8 minutes ago, Peace said:

Your use of the word "seem" is duly noted sir.

To clarify, when I wrote "or what you wrote is simply not true" I was referencing this statement:

Europe is losing its soul in the midst of its secularization and that the jihad being visited upon them is the wrath of a just God, which can be averted by turning back to their ancient faiths and abjuring the novelties of His cultured despisers . . .

Do you have a prophetic visit or insight into the mind of God that I am not aware of? The last time I checked I do not recall Him having put out any statements that the recent attacks in Europe are a result of His anger.

And I do not think that Europe is any worse than North America, where money is our god.

So are you saying that it is unlikely that God is angry at the apostasy of Western society (yes, including North America)? Are you saying that many of our misfortunes cannot be traced to our rejection of the transcendent order of things in favour of our idolatrous worship of our increasingly paltry, banal selves? Is it unlikely that our society is falling through our own sins?

The same God spoke such to Israel through His prophets during her times of idolatry, promising both judgment on the one hand and consolation to those who would turn back to Him. Is this lesson lost on us, the new Israel? Just food for thought...

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5 minutes ago, bardegaulois said:

So are you saying that it is unlikely that God is angry at the apostasy of Western society (yes, including North America)? Are you saying that many of our misfortunes cannot be traced to our rejection of the transcendent order of things in favour of our idolatrous worship of our increasingly paltry, banal selves? Is it unlikely that our society is falling through our own sins?

The same God spoke such to Israel through His prophets during her times of idolatry, promising both judgment on the one hand and consolation to those who would turn back to Him. Is this lesson lost on us, the new Israel? Just food for thought...

We know that God abhors sin but we do not know whether or not the current events in Europe are a direct result of that, or if God allows it to happen for some other reason within his divine plans.

I am saying that you have no basis to make the claim. You may or may not be correct, but I do not think it is wise to go around attributing things to God's wrath unless He has clearly indicated that to be the case.

And let's not glorify the past. In some areas we have appeared to have a moral decline but in other areas our society is more moral than in the past. Hundreds of years ago we lived in a world where men captured other men like animals, shipped them overseas, and sold them and them whipped them into submission and servitude for their entire lives.

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4 minutes ago, Peace said:

We know that God abhors sin but we do not know whether or not the current events in Europe are a direct result of that, or if God allows it to happen for some other reason within his divine plans.

I am saying that you have no basis to make the claim. You may or may not be correct, but I do not think it is wise to go around attributing things to God's wrath unless He has clearly indicated that to be the case.

And we never definitely will, at least so long as we are in this flesh. But I'd aver that far too many don't consider the possibility I suggested. For the sake of our own souls, we at least ought to reflect upon it, rather deeply I'd hope.

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I don't think what is happening is a punishment, per se. I think violence and tragedy are simply what happen when you take God out of your life. Humans have a natural inclination towards self destruction, which is why we need God to save us. Without accepting God's help, we have no chance.

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18 hours ago, bardegaulois said:

and that the jihad being visited upon them is the wrath of a just God, which can be averted by turning back to their ancient faiths

Yeah. Yurpeans should go back to their ancient pagan faiths, and abandon that middle eastern import known as christianism or whatever its called.


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3 minutes ago, Kia ora said:

Yeah. Yurpeans should go back to their ancient pagan faiths, and abandon that middle eastern import known as christianism or whatever its called.


You know quite well what I meant.

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Yeah and i think what you said is ridiculous. 


God killing innocent people because of injured pride doesnt sound to me like a god of love. That by the way, god of love, must be the most overused and meaningless slogan we christians use. People mock the religion of peace, but they should contemplate how absurd it is to say god is love and then attribute violence and bloodshed to him.

If yurpeans actually went back to their christian roots, theyd be tearing down the barriers with their own hands, not shutting the needy out.

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