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Just Keep Quiet - It's Their Choice


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How many times have you heard "Just keep quiet, it's their choice"?

How many times have you heard "Everyone has to determine right and wrong on their own"?

How many times have you heard "It depends on what they believe is right."?

I've heard them to many times from Catholic's mouths.

It's great to see the Pope lay down the law. Why don't people realize that after it's pointed out that whatever someone doing is wrong, if they still believe it to be ok after they know what the Church teaches on it, it's a grave offense.

For example, say someone thinks it's ok to skip Mass whenever they want, then they are corrected and shown that the Church teaches it's a mortal sin to miss Mass. If they continue to skip Mass - it's no longer a issue with their conscience being their guide - it's an outright mortal sin. (This is JUST an example, I know that there are valid reasons to miss Mass.)

Proclaiming Truth is a Catholic's responsibility. It's time Catholics stop being lukewarm and proclaim the truth.... the "I'm ok, you're ok" mentality is a lukewarm mentality. If you love Christ, speak up for Him. If you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you.

[b]Failure to Proclaim Truth on Marriage Is "Grave Omission," Says Pope[/b]
Valid Not Only for Catholics, He Tells Bishops

VATICAN CITY, JUNE 17, 2004 (Zenit.org).- [b]John Paul II warned Catholics, and pastors of the Church in particular, that failure to proclaim the truth about marriage and the family is a "grave omission." [/b]

Among the Church's priorities is "the promotion and defense of the institution of the family, today so attacked from different fronts with many and subtle arguments," the Pope said today when addressing a group of Colombian bishops. The bishops were concluding their five-yearly visit to Rome.

Regarding marriage, he told them that today "we witness a current, very widespread in some parts, which tends to weaken its true nature."

"[b]It is necessary to continue to proclaim with firmness, as a real service to society, the truth on marriage and the family established by God[/b]," he said.

"[b]To fail to do so would be a grave pastoral omission that would lead believers to error, as well as those who have the grave responsibility to make decisions on the common good of the nation[/b]," John Paul II continued.

"[b]This truth is valid not only for Catholics, but for all men and women without distinction, as marriage and the family constitute an irreplaceable good of society, which cannot remain indifferent in face of its degradation or loss of identity[/b]," the Pope said.

In the light of these fundamental truths, the Holy Father offered elements for "family pastoral care" that responds to present emergencies.

[b]First[/b], he recommended that "it be carried out above all by couples who belong to movements or associations of matrimonial spirituality, and who are an example in the education of their children."

[b]Second[/b], the Holy Father requested that "young couples and families in difficulty be supported, as well as those preparing to get married, to discover the values of Christian marriage and to be faithful to the commitment made when receiving the sacrament."

[b]Lastly[/b], it "is important to teach them that, when engendering children, they will be guided by criteria of responsible parenthood, helping them, moreover, in their human and religious formation, learned in their own home in an atmosphere of serene coexistence and tenderness, as an expression of God's love for each one of his children," he concluded.


God Bless,

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Yes, the Holy Father's insights on marriage go further and deeper than some married couples have bothered to ponder! Or, should I say most married couples?!

Pax Christi. <><

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I doubt that those who claim that morality depends on what an individual believes is right would say that murder, theft, adultery, incest, drunkenness, racism, etc. are morally ok for those who happen to believe they're right.

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Guest JeffCR07

Amen, the Truth is just that: Truth. It is uncompromising and absolute. As the Pope and the Magisterium tell it, so too should we uphold it, argue it, and live it in our daily lives.

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[quote]Yes, the Holy Father's insights on marriage go further and deeper than some married couples have bothered to ponder!  Or, should I say most married couples?!

Pax Christi. <><[/quote] Yes, God makes quite a ruckus about Marriage in the Bible.

Oh wait, you were referring to the Pope, not God.

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Guest JeffCR07

Icthus, just a simple question, and if you don't want to answer, thats ok too, but I'm just wondering why would you make a comment like that?

Is it to press our buttons?

Is it to stir up controversy?

Is it to show off an "enlightened" view of the papacy?

Is to try to insult us into changing our beliefs and devotions to the Holy Father?

Is it just to be malicious?

Is sarcasm and bitterness the way Christ spoke?

Truly my brother, I'm praying for you.

- Your Brother in Christ, Jeff

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