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weird question


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Maybe :P. Is it somehow scandalous to get a completely morally neutral product from a company that has a strange not really pure name? Reason: cost. The name would not be on the product. I'm trying to get glasses and I have barely any money. Insurance would cover some. I can either get one pair from a designer store where I have to pay an extra 100 dollars or so (unless some really good promotions come up), or I can get two pairs with a special deal from another store and pay only 20 extra. They can be different pairs which is cool. I tried on all the potential glasses and the ones that look normal on me are from a company that just sounds weird. I don't know if I should write the name here. However the name is not on the glasses. Would it be somehow scandalous to order them? I can't decide and have scruples :) thank you 

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The only company name I can think, of off the top of my head, that has a strange name when abbreviated is French Connection UK.  If thats them I think the glasses are fine and just try to think of the company using their full name.  Besides nothing objectionable is printed on the glasses so I vote go with the best deal

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Credo in Deum

It sounds like you're over thinking this.  If the name is not on the glasses then I don't see the problem.  Even if the name was on the glasses it would depend on the name and since you won't post it ya.

On a side note i would totslly sport some glasses made by the French Connection UK.

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Its not French connection... These are not so pricey lol ;) the company isn't designer. OK maybe I should just say it lol. Its so silly - the name is "hot kiss". What kind of glasses company name is that? Anyway... The name is not on the glasses at all (these ones) and they look totally normal. The other pair I would get with them are from another company. I'm trying to decide between this deal or more expensive frames but I'd have to pay more and for one pair. Honestly what would you do? What a silly name though. 

Im not buying from this website but this is an example of glasses from this company: https://www.coolframes.com/glasses/hot-kiss-eyewear

So the glasses themselves are normal and the ones I looked at are unmarked with the title. But I just get super scrupulous about this! Is it at all scandalous? 

Looks like its actually a fashion clothing company that makes shoes or glasses too. 

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3 hours ago, MarysLittleFlower said:

Its not French connection... These are not so pricey lol ;) the company isn't designer. OK maybe I should just say it lol. Its so silly - the name is "hot kiss". What kind of glasses company name is that? Anyway... The name is not on the glasses at all (these ones) and they look totally normal. The other pair I would get with them are from another company. I'm trying to decide between this deal or more expensive frames but I'd have to pay more and for one pair. Honestly what would you do? What a silly name though. 

Im not buying from this website but this is an example of glasses from this company: https://www.coolframes.com/glasses/hot-kiss-eyewear

So the glasses themselves are normal and the ones I looked at are unmarked with the title. But I just get super scrupulous about this! Is it at all scandalous? 

Looks like its actually a fashion clothing company that makes shoes or glasses too. 

One thing that helped me when working through scrupulosity was training myself not to think "What if this is a mortal sin?" but rather "Why would this be a mortal sin?" Scrupulosity runs on fear, irrationality, and unknowns. If you can throw some ice cold rationality and logic to put a damper on scrupulosity, it goes a long way. 

So, why would this be mortally sinful? Is saying "hot kiss" a grave offense against God? Is calling something "hot" in the first place a grave offense against God? Are hot kisses a grave offense against God?

As you yourself said, this is "so silly." Grave matter is not silly. I think you know in your heart this isn't really mortally sinful, but you're letting the fear of the "what if?" get to you, and I know how much that can really mess with your head and daily life. By nature I'm naturally a more emotionally based person, so that sort of attack on my psyche is a very clever tool by the devil, who as you know preys on our weaknesses.

When it comes to determining if something already done is mortally sinful, I've gotten excellent gems by several priests when it comes to overcoming this, and thanks be to God my scrupulosity is now essentially nonexistent. One was "If you're not sure something was mortally sinful, it wasn't -- mortal sin requires absolute certainty." The other one was like it: "Committing a mortal sin is like cashing in a $1,500 check: You're absolutely certain you did it."

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It almost seems you come up with this stuff to convince people like myself how horrible I really am (no convincing needed I already know) and how I'm  almost certainly going to hell lol I don't believe you're trolling but seriously? How do you even begin to think this is something an all loving and merciful God would send you to hell for? You're supposed to trust in God. In His goodness. His unconditional love for you. What kind of loving God would be angered enough (or even angered at all) to send you to hell for eternity because you bought glasses that were made by "hot kisses" ? And you bought them because they were the most affordable option and not as a way to "provoke" God. I believe in the doctrine of grave/mortal sin but this is where it makes me cringe. When it effects people like this. Although I don't put all the blame on the doctrine or even most if it. I think it's your fault as well. Maybe a little bit of self righteousness. Hope the glasses work out. Peace.

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Well Josh people who feel this way about trivial things aren't doing it on purpose, it's a a spiritual problem, yes, but ultimately it is caused by mental illness which is certainly nobody's fault.

Not self righteous but just the opposite. 

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Thank you so much for your willingness to ask such a question, while making yourself vulnerable and open at the same time.  I hope and pray you find peace here and in the responses of those who have already answered.  

Like others who have already spoke to this, I also believe that it would be okay to purchase those glasses.  In fact, it sounds like the best option available right now.  It is a need.  They provide you with a good product that suits your needs.  It is a morally neutral product with a great upside to your quality of life.  At a much more decent price and an opportunity to live much more within your means.  Except that their company name seems a bit immature which is unfortunate, it sounds like these glasses will be a blessing to you.  Be at peace.   :) Hope that helps

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45 minutes ago, Maggyie said:

Well Josh people who feel this way about trivial things aren't doing it on purpose, it's a a spiritual problem, yes, but ultimately it is caused by mental illness which is certainly nobody's fault.

Not self righteous but just the opposite. 

So you're saying she has mental illness? lol I don't know her so I can't say. I like MLF either way. You really believe anyone who is scrupulous has mental illness though? I've dealt with being scrupulous and obviously I have mental illness no argument there lol Although I think being scrupulous is bound to happen if you take the grave/mortal sin thing seriously and wholeheartedly believe it. The list of grave/mortal sins is endless and the teaching says you will go to hell for eternity with even one on your soul. So anyone who takes that doctrine serious and accepts/believes it will wind up being scrupulous at some point. In my opinion at least.

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Thank you to those who tried to help me with my question. Josh, I'm sorry if I've confused you. No there's nothing wrong with the Church teaching on mortal sin - and no that teaching doesn't lead to scrupulosity. And you know what, I never asked if this is a mortal sin. I wondered if this is *any* sin or imperfection at all because my goal is to not just avoid mortal sin. Anyway I'm sorry I confused you so maybe I shouldnt have asked this question. To be honest though I am very surprised by your post when you wonder if I make things up on the forum to convince people how horrible they are... What? :( did i mention anyone but myself? Why do you accuse me of this? As for being self righteous or not - obviously I struggle with pride as everyone but ...I don't know I was just asking a question, and its not about whether this is a MORTAL sin. Scrupulosity is something anxious and no I didn't make this up in hopes of making someone "feel horrible". 

For the record, most of my friends are not scrupulous and they certainly believe in mortal sin. Its the Church teaching. It doesn't decrease God's mercy at all. Do you think that He should force souls who reject Him to be with Him? If a soul did something completely against Him and is NOT sorry - how could it be united with God who has no darkness in Him. Its like saying that good and evil can be united. Anyways though why did you assume I must be talking about if this is a mortal sin. 

I hope you never have to deal with scrupulosity Josh. i don't understand why you would "blame" anyone for this or think they make it up to make someone feel horrible. 

Anyway I wish you well. 


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Impure actions (as they are impure before marriage) are grave. It doesn't mean I thought buying those glasses is a mortal sin so specifically. I wasnt even thinking that way I was wondering if anything is wrong with buying them at all - if there would be any scandal at all. 

Anyways I'm sorry if my presence here has been a source of confusion for anyone. That was not my intent. 

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42 minutes ago, MarysLittleFlower said:

Thank you to those who tried to help me with my question. Josh, I'm sorry if I've confused you. No there's nothing wrong with the Church teaching on mortal sin - and no that teaching doesn't lead to scrupulosity. And you know what, I never asked if this is a mortal sin. I wondered if this is *any* sin or imperfection at all because my goal is to not just avoid mortal sin. Anyway I'm sorry I confused you so maybe I shouldnt have asked this question. To be honest though I am very surprised by your post when you wonder if I make things up on the forum to convince people how horrible they are... What? :( did i mention anyone but myself? Why do you accuse me of this? As for being self righteous or not - obviously I struggle with pride as everyone but ...I don't know I was just asking a question, and its not about whether this is a MORTAL sin. Scrupulosity is something anxious and no I didn't make this up in hopes of making someone "feel horrible". 

For the record, most of my friends are not scrupulous and they certainly believe in mortal sin. Its the Church teaching. It doesn't decrease God's mercy at all. Do you think that He should force souls who reject Him to be with Him? If a soul did something completely against Him and is NOT sorry - how could it be united with God who has no darkness in Him. Its like saying that good and evil can be united. Anyways though why did you assume I must be talking about if this is a mortal sin. 

I hope you never have to deal with scrupulosity Josh. i don't understand why you would "blame" anyone for this or think they make it up to make someone feel horrible. 

Anyway I wish you well. 


Haha Chill it's just the Internet. You didn't confuse me. I actually think the teaching on grave/mortal sin DOES often lead to to scrupulosity. I don't think the teaching is in error and I accept it. I realize you didn't ask if this was a grave/mortal sin after rereading the post. I think I got Future's reply mixed up with your original post. I apologize if you thought I was accusing you of making things up. Wasn't my intent. And yes I've dealt with scrupulosity as I said before. I think almost anyone does who really meditates on grave/mortal sin and hell. Any how sorry if I upset you wasn't my intention. I wish you well as well. God bless.

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