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Ross Douthat on the contemporary church situation


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Since the enfeeblement of the Ratzinger papacy, it's seemed that the narrative of renewal since the chaos of the post-conciliar period (with which I was raised) has fallen apart. How does one make sense of this ecclesiastical climate that is very new to him? Ross Douthat, to my mind the New York Times's best columnist, attempts to answer that question in his Erasmus Lecture here: http://www.firstthings.com/article/2016/01/a-crisis-of-conservative-catholicism

As always, I'm interested in your thoughts.

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I find the article both thoughtful and troubling. I do believe conservative Catholics have greatly underestimated the threat of the liberal/heterodox "Spirit of Vatican II" to the Church. Many in authority seem to want to go the way of the Episcopalians.

Also, I'm not surprised Msgr Pope's recent article on the TLM is far more popular than this one, had Pope's article been written in same manner but about the New Mass it would likely been panned. Like this one by Douthat will be if it does become viral, more than likely it will mostly be ignored.

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I find the whole idea of "liberal Catholics" and "conservative Catholics" a bit troubling. I would never call myself either. I am Catholic, that's it.

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