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Half Of Priest And Bishops Are Gay


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  On 1/17/2016 at 4:05 AM, Nihil Obstat said:

Not a very Catholic position to take, to be blunt.


to be even blunter,I don't care what you THINK is the correct measure of being Catholic or having a " Catholic position" . But just as soon as I do I promise I will let you know.

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  On 1/17/2016 at 4:11 AM, superblue said:

to be even blunter,I don't care what you THINK is the correct measure of being Catholic or having a " Catholic position" . But just as soon as I do I promise I will let you know.


I also do not care what I think. I care what the Church teaches. And it is certainly not what you have just expressed here in this thread.

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  On 1/17/2016 at 4:22 AM, Josh said:

Homosexual fornication is a worse sin according to the Bible.


I really do loath responding to you,  "according  to the bible" is so far off course in thinking, you have to consider who is doing the writing and from what perspective and who said what about what. What you will find in the bible on this subject are/is opinion(s) by saint(s), and commentary that explains that some things in the context of scripture in the bible were considered self explanatory such as homosexuality not being accepted by Hebrews/ Jewish people/ or more accurately Israelites. An this is as far as I am going to correspond with you directly on this topic and enjoy resting in my ignore list once again.

  On 1/17/2016 at 4:24 AM, Nihil Obstat said:

I also do not care what I think. I care what the Church teaches. And it is certainly not what you have just expressed here in this thread.


You should of just said you are a church militant  and there fore you are right and I am wrong, it would have made your ego that much more important to you. What I have expressed is called an OPINION amazingly a lot of people have one, being brain dead to everything that is ever written down and not thinking or good grief having critical thinking; doesn't automatically make what is written down morally or even historically correct or wrong. You want to start a debate on my opinions go for it, then you and the other church militants can point out how right you all are and how wrong I am and give each other gold stars. I at least kept the topic on track for a little bit. To insinuate that if one has an opinion outside of what this " church teaching " you and other " church militants and theologians " love to pin their intellect on; some how makes one a lesser catholic, then gather up  as many of your like minded kin that you can because you are going to find so many clergy and lay people who are so unworthy of being in your presence let alone in your very own congregation and make sure to lynch the homosexual community as well in the process and then everyone will finally know how awesomely holy you are. It has to be a great feeling to be able to wake up and know that you are in lock and step with " church teaching". Good luck beating that into the homosexual community to try and convince them that they need to assimilate or else. That is all as it comes across as.  You can't formulate anything else other than to say " church teaching " as if it is the end all answer to a DEBATE. If it wasn't a debate it would be called Church Teaching. Start a thread called Church Teaching and just put an end to debates altogether. But don't try and insinuate that my opinion is wrong or that I am a lesser catholic than you because you are stuck on a self appointed title that carries jack squat in any sense of reality.

Here is your reply,


I wasn't trying to insinuate anything, yada yada yada,, tee hee hee hee,

and my reply to your reply,

you are on my ignore list along with plenty others, you can put that as a pin on your lapel of amesomeness; as well enjoy your last comment to me on this subject and then ask for props for that comment because you won't get anymore responses from me on this topic or your comments towards me, I merely decided to engage you because I was bored and I admit I was a tad exhausted with knuckle draggers needing every little sentence clarified because they can not piece together the gaps. I am only letting you know you are on my ignore list so you are not waiting for a response or just assumed you wore me out in the debate. But for the record you are getting the last word; so make it count.

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@superblue Don't then nothing you say makes sense anyhow. I can only imagine what you are like in real life. In the words of Donald Trump I'm guessing a "Big Loser".

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  On 1/16/2016 at 2:47 AM, Nihil Obstat said:

Josh, the plural of priest is priests.


Thanks for pointing this out. I've been trying to improve my grammar and have post that are at least half readable. I refuse to have post that are similar to @superblue's and impossible to even read. I along with @Tab am working on improving spelling and grammar. It's important.

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  On 1/17/2016 at 4:22 AM, Josh said:

Homosexual fornication is a worse sin according to the Bible.


The Bible is dubious on such points. Some have been of that view as a theological analysis though, especially in terms of the theology of the body, but I can't see it's really helpful. I mean how is thinking homosexual activity is more of a sin helping most of the population, aside from making them feel less bad about their own sins? There's enough countries where Christians focus on the activity of a small minority and ignore bigger problems and suffering (abuses) going on. A mortal sin is a mortal sin, regardless of what it is, and it's not always clear this has occured. That's an issue for God, the person and their confessor to work out.

There have been those who have said rape was better than masturbation too :blink: So I wouldn't run to the automatic solace of the writers of old blindly. I get the reasoning, as a cold analysis of function, but it's still whack when you look at it in the hiercharchy of what would rationally be worse.

In term of SPG. I wish there was a spell check on here (maybe I just haven't found it:annoyed:. I don't bother with copying from word to here anymore, but maybe it'd be a good idea to do if someone makes a long post and isn't lazy (or a perfectionist).

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South Park does a great job at showing the irony in real life. So someone post an update will ya when leaders at the Vatican finally start prosecuting the criminals of the sex abuse scandal , each and everyone of them. An starts making things right, and stops the double standards.

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  On 1/21/2016 at 1:21 AM, superblue said:



South Park does a great job at showing the irony in real life. So someone post an update will ya when leaders at the Vatican finally start prosecuting the criminals of the sex abuse scandal , each and everyone of them. An starts making things right, and stops the double standards.


shame on you, blue

your nasty little southpark  reference and commentary about the priesthood is sick.   Let me ask you something, if you don't mind: Do you Believe in the sacrament of holy orders? 


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  On 1/21/2016 at 2:30 AM, little2add said:

shame on you, blue

your nasty little southpark  reference and commentary about the priesthood is sick.   Let me ask you something, if you don't mind: Do you Believe in the sacrament of holy orders? 



sick ? it was hilarious, and true, it isn't my fault that you can't see the irony in it. If anything I would agree with, it is crude. But there are a lot of priests out there who are just like that reference, and this is exactly what the church wants us to think, that we can just pray the gay away. an in turn that hilarious death scene at the end, is sadly what the outside world does, they get so bloody sick of the double  

standards that the church holds towards homosexuals, and confuses the homosexual community to the point that they do not even want to try to even be apart of the church.  An why should I even answer you, you are obviously just trying to set me up, so just go ahead and say what you wana say. Shame on me ? Shame on the church leaders for not hunting down every sick clerical pedophile and bishop and cardinal who covered everything up, and not put them on trial and merely just hoped to pray everything away and run out the statute of limitations around the globe or at least here in the USA, and shame on the church leaders for still refusing to defrock those bishops, and cardinals who are still living large and scott free from their actions in the matter.

South Park is amesome, you just wana be PC

so here ya go

plus fyi I only posted that last link because it has a thingie ya gota enter your age that says you are not a child and can stomach south park in the first place, this one isn't nearly as crass, but just shows what you an the rest of the pc world are like.

My commentary on this thread is spot on, don't hate appreciate, I just say it in a crass way to aggravate most of you hear because yall are pozers and smell.  I think it says Sh**, for the fragile viewers, look if you are under 13 and over 50 just don't ever watch south park. ever.

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Superblue, you sound unwell. Have you talked to anyone about your mental health? I mean that with all sincerity.

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