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Prayer at Night


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qui placido in puppi carpebat pectore somnum,
exurgens ventis imperat et pelago;
fessa labore gravi quamvis hic membra quiescant,
ad se concedat cor vigilare meum.
agne dei, mundi qui crimina cuncta tulisti,
conserva requiem mitis ab hoste meam.

He lay with quiet heart in the stern asleep:
Waking, commanded both the winds and sea.
Christ, though this weary body slumber deep,
Grant that my heart may keep its watch with thee.
O Lamb of God that carried all our sin,
Guard thou my sleep against the enemy.

(by Alcuin, 8-9th century. From Helen Waddell's Songs of the Wandering Scholars)

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...always love the closing of Night Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours):

Ant.-- Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in His peace.

Concluding Prayer -- Lord, be with us throughout this night.  When day comes may we rise from sleep to rejoice in the resurrection of your Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.  Amen

Blessing -- May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaceful death.  Amen

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This thread reminded me of a couple posts from some months back inspired by compline and night shift work.



Edited by sr.christinaosf
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Watch, O Lord,
with those who wake,
or watch or weep tonight,
and give your angels charge
over those who sleep.

Tend your sick ones,
O Lord Jesus Christ;
rest your weary ones;
bless your dying ones;
soothe your suffering ones;
pity your afflicted ones;
shield your joyous ones;
and all for your love's sake.


(Attributed to St Augustine)

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THE MOON is risen, beaming,
The golden stars are gleaming
So brightly in the skies;
The hushed, black woods are dreaming,
The mists, like phantoms seeming,
From meadows magically rise.
How still the world reposes,
While twilight round it closes,
So peaceful and so fair!
A quiet room for sleeping,
Into oblivion steeping
The day’s distress and sober care.
Look at the moon so lonely!
One half is shining only,
Yet she is round and bright;
Thus oft we laugh unknowing
At things that are not showing,
That still are hidden from our sight.
We, with our proud endeavour,
Are poor vain sinners ever,  
There’s little that we know.
Frail cobwebs we are spinning,
Our goal we are not winning,
But straying farther as we go.
God, make us see Thy glory,  
Distrust things transitory,
Delight in nothing vain!
Lord, here on earth stand by us,
To make us glad and pious,
And artless children once again!
Grant that, without much grieving,
This world we may be leaving
In gentle death at last.
And then do not forsake us,
But into heaven take us,  
Lord God, oh, hold us fast!
Lie down, my friends, reposing,
Your eyes in God’s name closing.
How cold the night-wind blew!
Oh God, Thine anger keeping,
Now grant us peaceful sleeping,
And our sick neighbour too.

It's by Matthias Claudius, Evening Song. The original is German. I've always loved that song.

This version is from the following:


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