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To All Cops


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Let's see. Traffic stops are one of the most dangerous things cops do. Instead of watching your hands to see if you have a gun, they are going to take the time to carefully read this. 

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3 minutes ago, CatherineM said:

Let's see. Traffic stops are one of the most dangerous things cops do. Instead of watching your hands to see if you have a gun, they are going to take the time to carefully read this. 

Yeah this might not go over well lol

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"Well, I was just going to tell you that your taillight was out, but now I suspect you're hiding something..." This is a great way to escalate something that would likely have been very minor in the first place. Moreover, based on the author's understanding of the law, I'm going to guess that a lawyer didn't write this.

If you are ever pulled over, don't pull cheap stunts like this. Just be polite to the officer and more likely than not he'll be polite back; I know a lot of cops who deal with jerks all day, and they really appreciate it when a citizen is polite to them. Doing such things as pulling onto a side street or into a parking lot if the street on which you are pulled over is busy and turning your interior light on if it is dark will also show that you care about his safety and will likely work in your favour.

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The colon is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line. A colon precedes an explanation, or an enumeration or list. A colon is also used with ratios, titles and subtitles of books, city and publisher in bibliographies, Biblical citations between chapter and verse, and—in American English—to separate hours and minutes, for business letter salutations and in formal letter writing.

(The above is shamelessly and blatantly plagiarized from Wikipedia)

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On 1/2/2016, 3:57:02, bardegaulois said:

"Well, I was just going to tell you that your taillight was out, but now I suspect you're hiding something..." This is a great way to escalate something that would likely have been very minor in the first place. Moreover, based on the author's understanding of the law, I'm going to guess that a lawyer didn't write this.

If you are ever pulled over, don't pull cheap stunts like this. Just be polite to the officer and more likely than not he'll be polite back; I know a lot of cops who deal with jerks all day, and they really appreciate it when a citizen is polite to them. Doing such things as pulling onto a side street or into a parking lot if the street on which you are pulled over is busy and turning your interior light on if it is dark will also show that you care about his safety and will likely work in your favour.

Having a son in law enforcement, I appreciate your response, Bard.  Though this forum encourages us to "talk about anything" we want," I question the propriety of the OP.  Traffic stops are potentially dangerous--the officer never knows what the driver and other occupants will do or what they have done (from something innocuous to robbing a bank, murdering someone, etc.).  They need to see your hands.  Reaching for a driver's license could just as easily be reaching for a gun.  One of my son's academy friends was a 27 yr. old woman who wanted nothing more than to help people.  She came from a small, northern farming community to the inner city.  Writing up a B&E (breaking & entering) report in her squad car, she was shot in the head and killed--by someone who "didn't like the uniform" and everything it represented.  Yet who do we call for help when in serious trouble?  The police!  Again, your advice is sound, Bard.  God bless these brave men and women for the work they do.

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4 hours ago, Pia Jesu said:

Having a son in law enforcement, I appreciate your response, Bard.  Though this forum encourages us to "talk about anything" we want," I question the propriety of the OP.  

Fair enough. I didn't agree with doing this although I found it kind of tempting. I should of included that in the original post as a disclaimer. Some cops have been getting on my nerves lately. I have never been a big fan of cops. God bless all the good ones who protect and serve. Also I realize they put their lives on the line. The shady ones smell of elderberries. Been hearing about a lot of the shady ones lately. It's a shame because there are a ton more good cops than shady.

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