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Latin Hymns


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A year ago, my family lost a treasure.  She was my sister-n-law's aunt.  She lived to be 99.  In her youth, she sang for the Schola at the local parish.  I hear she had a wonderful voice.  I never got to hear her sing because in my childhood, this beautiful lady lost her ability to sing.  I'm sure it was a very humbling experience for her, since I hear she loved to sing at Mass and sing in general.  She was wheel chair bound and seemed too fragile to even speak at times.    

My sister n law was very close to this woman, because this aunt raised her as her own daughter.  (My sister in law's mom died when she was 9.)  The night she passed away, my sister n law had a dream about her.  She told me her aunt was a young lady in her twenties, her face was radiant with joy and she only said one thing to her:    ".....THE MUSIC!!!!"

Apparently in her dream, my sister n law was told that Music filled heaven like water fills the oceans.  The atmosphere is music.  

I like to think its filled with Latin hymns.  

I'm not a basher of Vatican II, but we would only be kidding ourselves if we think Vatican II didn't effect the way we worship in song.  Unless you attend the Extraordinary Form, you will never hear the countless treasure trove of Latin Hymns the Church has created.  This is more profoundly felt every time I attend Mass in the Novus Ordo form.  I usually go to Spanish Masses, and the music is horrid.  I mean, Tejanos have this music tradition that mixes polka with Mestizo rhythms of the past.  It's quite different from your ordinary Novus Ordo Mass music.  I've grown accustomed to it but at the same time I've suddenly become more aware at how inappropriate it seems for Mass.  I fail to envision the choir of angels singing to the Ranchero beats of the Mexican guitar during the "Santo, Santo, Santo."  Don't get me wrong, I love these guys, they are my parish family and I know they sing out of love.  But, at the same time,  I sense a bit of the ignorance we've all grown to accept in post-Vat II church.  We all just don't get it.  Mass is supposed to be something out of the ordinary and something that transcends us to God.  Music plays a great importance in our worship.  The hard strummed beat off the wood of the guitar doesn't do it for me...and suffice it to say, the English hymns of the Novus Ordo fail as well (I can only hear "on Eagles wings" so many times...)      

I guess what I wanted to express in starting this thread....is....I would hope, regardless of your stance on Latin, you as Catholics would take the time to appreciate what we've lost.  Perhaps share some of your favorite hymns here, and let others in on the beauty and splendor of the music we've silenced...


Here's one that just sets me off into the heavens:   




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My very favorite Latin hymn is "Pange Lingua." I love singing this on the feast of Corpus Christi as the priest processes around the church with the Blessed Sacrament. (This is at my Novus Ordo parish.) The hymn is just so joyful, solemn, and simply beautiful! :love:


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I agree fully and I love music too. I sing in the choir at the Extraordinary Form and its really making me appreciate the beautiful hymns, polyphonies and chants we have. My favourites are Jesu Rex Admirabilis and Sicut Cervus by Palestrina, O Bread of Heaven and Come Down O Love Divine, Adjuva nos Deus and Arcadelt's Ave Maria. Here's also a neat one our choir did for Christmas: 


This is my favourite polyphony:


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Most of the EF Masses I've attended have been low Masses, so my experience of Latin hymns actually comes from the OF - most parishes I know still incorporate some Latin into the liturgy. Thomas Aquinas's Adoro te devote is my favourite.

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There is a beautiful rendition of the Rorate Caeli on this month's "Magnificat" app.  I couldn't find a decent video online for it though...

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On 12/27/2015, 10:58:17, dominicansoul said:

I mean, Tejanos have this music tradition that mixes polka with Mestizo rhythms of the past.

I once visited my brother in an area of the US where there are many Hispanics and particularly Mexicans. It was summer, so they were all driving with their windows open and their music blaring. My first thought was "that's odd; polka isn't Mexican!"

I can't imagine that type of music being used in divine worship. However, if it weren't so widespread, I wouldn't be able to picture ooey-gooey OCP hymns being used in divine worship either.

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