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A late, last-minute Advent reality check

Catherine Therese

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Catherine Therese

Glad it helped! I have to admit, I was sitting before Christmas morning Mass began, rereading it on my cellphone, because I was all worked up. 

It helped to read it and remind myself of it... but the peace came for me when I received the Eucharist this morning. It was palpable... a wonderful Christmas gift!

Something else interesting that happened during mass was that this little girl... would have been maybe 3 or 4 years old... kept folding up copies of the church bulletin, and stuffing it down the back of her father's shirt collar. She managed to push three separate folded up pieces of paper down his back and he just patiently kept praying, no sudden reactions or expressions of annoyance... he didn't give it much attention because he clearly didn't want to reward that behaviour in Mass with undue attention... but at the same time, he was so patient and gentle with her. It made me wonder if God doesn't treat me like that just a little bit. :) 



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