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Phatmasser Christmas List


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I couldn't really think of anything to ask... In the end i thought of cream because i was running low on that. Art or embroidery supplies i hinted at as well. To be honest I've been more excited finding presents for my family though now that I see my presents under the tree I do wonder what they are :) 

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I didn't ask for anything this year as my family has had to help me out financially in the past couple of months. They say they will be getting me small things because of that, but I'm excited over the surprise, and I don't really need anything anyway.

If I could have anything I wanted, it'd be a pair of boots and a cat. The boots are for practical reasons. The cat, not so much. :P If I move into accommodation that allows pets this year I may see if I can add a cat to my household by next Christmas.

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I would like to say I asked for nothing, but the truth is, I wrote an ENORMOUS list. I can't buy anything for myself during the year, so at christmas, I ask a lot of things. This year, it's mainly various books, CDs, and sheet music (including Britten's work for children, and a book about jazz). I already received various gifts, among them a very nice crucifix, and "motivationals" posters for musicians from a musician friend (we play trumpet together). 

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1 hour ago, Basilisa Marie said:

Block of knives. 

Make sure to get the good stuff. Henckels, Shun, Wusthof, etc. Nothing worse than poor quality knives.

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On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 8:15:18, homeschoolmom said:

Just want a peaceful time with my family.

Some would just like a family....

18 hours ago, beatitude said:

If I could have anything I wanted, it'd be a pair of boots and a cat. The boots are for practical reasons. The cat, not so much. :P If I move into accommodation that allows pets this year I may see if I can add a cat to my household by next Christmas.

If you're in the Chicago area, there still are two kittens next door from the litter that my kitten came from (if you don't mind feral ones).

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I got for Christmas:

a calendar made by the Summit Dominican Nuns

a boxed set of the Odyssey, Iliad, and Aeneid, all translated by Robert Fagles (I'm a classics minor, so this was a great gift for me.)

some clothing items and candy


Edited by HopefulHeart
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I received:

-christmas onesie with monkey feet that i am never taking off, ever

-new phone because i currently have an iphone 3

-complete Emily Dickinson poetry

-lava lamp

-massage gift card

-Walker Percy's Lost in the Cosmos

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I got: 

- The Catholicism series (which I've never seen before so I'm super pumped)

- an electric razor

- the next book in the Ranger's Apprentice series 

- a biography of Father Benedict Groeschel

- super nice black leather gloves and a grey scarf to go with my nice green coat

- Last but most certainly not least, an entire pack of socks. Socks are one of the greatest gifts I can ever receive. 

"You can never have too many socks." -- Albus Dumbledore

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19 hours ago, Norseman82 said:

If you're in the Chicago area, there still are two kittens next door from the litter that my kitten came from (if you don't mind feral ones).

I've adopted a feral kitten before. I was eleven years old and I'd been nagging my parents for a cat. :) She decided she was just a furry version of me and accompanied me everywhere I went, including to the school bus stop in the morning. I still miss her. I wouldn't rule out adopting a feral cat again but I'm on the other side of the Atlantic and Chicago is a bit far to come.

This Christmas I received:

A pair of cosy snuggly Christmas pyjamas.
A pair of hand-knitted socks.
Some chocolate.
A £10 gift card for a bookshop.
£40 in cash, which covers adoption costs from the cat rescue centre, as it happens. When my contract on my current apartment is up in June I will seriously look for a pet-friendly place.

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I received: 

A CD to help me learn French

Two books about embroidery


A keychain 

:) basically the kinds of things I wanted so I'm happy!

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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I received:

some clothing (including a warm skirt! I've been layering several thin summer cotton ones for a month!) 

A nice thick journal (500 pages!)

A book of several Tolstoy stories

And, best of all, a personalized wax seal! 

Plus a LOT of candy. 

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