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Is Satan In The Catholic Church?


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I believe there are several concrete ways in which his presence has manifested itself among men and women of the Church. I do not think it is correct strictly speaking to say that Satan is in any way "in" the Church, but certainly among the people of the Church.

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I don't know....check the baptismal records in Slovakia, unless he went through RCIA while he was on the Sabres or any of the other teams he was on.

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9 minutes ago, Norseman82 said:

I don't know....check the baptismal records in Slovakia, unless he went through RCIA while he was on the Sabres or any of the other teams he was on.


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40 minutes ago, Norseman82 said:

I don't know....check the baptismal records in Slovakia, unless he went through RCIA while he was on the Sabres or any of the other teams he was on.


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The Third Secret of Fatima Reconstructed:

You saw the ruin of the world. In order to prevent this, God wished to establish the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If the Holy Father had done so, many souls would have been saved. Because he did not, the devil will infiltrate the Church and mount the throne of Peter. There will be a Synod in which Cardinal will oppose Cardinal and Bishop will oppose Bishop. The priests who revere me will be persecuted.

The Mass will be altered along with the teaching of the Church. The devil will sweep a third of the clergy into his service. The beast will overcome pastors and the flock will be abandoned and scattered. The wolves will drag many souls to hell. A diabolic wave will cover the world. Altars will be stripped and churches will be sacked. In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved by a faithful remnant.

A great war will chastise the world. Russia will overrun Europe. The Pope will be killed and the faithful martyred. Fire will fall from the sky. Millions will lose their lives from one hour to the next. The suffering will be worse than the Deluge. The survivors will envy the dead. When all seems lost, I will raise up a Holy Father who is dear to me, and the world will be made new. -thirdsecret.net

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Yes he is in the Church, he is everywhere in this world.  Lets take Saint Faustina Diary for instance; mind you I'm going off of memory.  Saint Faustina saw him and asked him, "What are you doing here?"  Satan didn't want to answer her at first and she commanded him to answer her in the name of Jesus.  He said that he's looking for idle hands.

Unfortunately there is no haven from him on earth.

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5 hours ago, Gladius said:

The Third Secret of Fatima Reconstructed:

You saw the ruin of the world. In order to prevent this, God wished to establish the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If the Holy Father had done so, many souls would have been saved. Because he did not, the devil will infiltrate the Church and mount the throne of Peter. There will be a Synod in which Cardinal will oppose Cardinal and Bishop will oppose Bishop. The priests who revere me will be persecuted.

The Mass will be altered along with the teaching of the Church. The devil will sweep a third of the clergy into his service. The beast will overcome pastors and the flock will be abandoned and scattered. The wolves will drag many souls to hell. A diabolic wave will cover the world. Altars will be stripped and churches will be sacked. In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved by a faithful remnant.

A great war will chastise the world. Russia will overrun Europe. The Pope will be killed and the faithful martyred. Fire will fall from the sky. Millions will lose their lives from one hour to the next. The suffering will be worse than the Deluge. The survivors will envy the dead. When all seems lost, I will raise up a Holy Father who is dear to me, and the world will be made new. -thirdsecret.net

Worse than the Deluge? 

As I recall, only eight people survived the Deluge - Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their three wives. 

So only six or seven people will be left? And one of them will be made Pope? 

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6 hours ago, Gladius said:

The Third Secret of Fatima Reconstructed:

You saw the ruin of the world. In order to prevent this, God wished to establish the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If the Holy Father had done so, many souls would have been saved. Because he did not, the devil will infiltrate the Church and mount the throne of Peter. There will be a Synod in which Cardinal will oppose Cardinal and Bishop will oppose Bishop. The priests who revere me will be persecuted.

The Mass will be altered along with the teaching of the Church. The devil will sweep a third of the clergy into his service. The beast will overcome pastors and the flock will be abandoned and scattered. The wolves will drag many souls to hell. A diabolic wave will cover the world. Altars will be stripped and churches will be sacked. In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved by a faithful remnant.

A great war will chastise the world. Russia will overrun Europe. The Pope will be killed and the faithful martyred. Fire will fall from the sky. Millions will lose their lives from one hour to the next. The suffering will be worse than the Deluge. The survivors will envy the dead. When all seems lost, I will raise up a Holy Father who is dear to me, and the world will be made new. -thirdsecret.net

In all seriousness, what do you identify with? SSPX? SSPV? I'm honestly curious.

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5 hours ago, PhuturePriest said:

In all seriousness, what do you identify with? SSPX? SSPV? I'm honestly curious.


6 hours ago, Luigi said:

Worse than the Deluge? 

As I recall, only eight people survived the Deluge - Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their three wives. 

So only six or seven people will be left? And one of them will be made Pope? 

The "suffering" will be worse than the deluge.  Only fifty percent of the global population may die, but I can imagine that, getting to the point of death, can be much worse than taking in a couple of gulps of water.  Look, the Secret that contained Our Lady's words, was known to be 20 to 25 lines long.  The reconstruction was used, citing La Salette and Akita, and using the form used by Our Lady in the first two parts.  It's real close to the one the Vatican is deathly afraid of.

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I "identify" with the SSPX.  Archbishop Lefebvre was the only link with Tradition after VII.  I call your attention to what the Apostle Paul said, "The rebellion must come.  Therefore Brethren, stand fast and hold to Tradition".  In another place it is written, "There is a remnant left, selected out of grace".  And don't think for a moment, that I think I'm special in any way.  We are all trying to work out our salvation the best way that we can.

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38 minutes ago, Gladius said:
6 minutes ago, Josh said:

If I take you seriously I will just become Protestant. Why stay Catholic if what you're saying is the truth? 

In the Second Secret of Fatima, Our Lady stated, "If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved, if not..." .  Your dilemma is real.



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I go to an FSSP parish. I wanted the traditional Mass yet in good standing with the Church. That makes the most sense to me.

I haven't analyzed the secret of Fatima situation because I'm just leaving that up to God. When i found out theres a big controversy i knew i would get confused and lose my peace trying to figure it out, so i just try to follow what Our Lady of Fatima said to do, and i leave these global matters to God and the Church. Not because i dont care but because i think it would be better for me to just spend time in prayer, rather than researching things i dont understand and cant control.

The reconstructed secret you posted, what do you mean by it being 'reconstructed'? Also what does it mean by the devil mounting the throne of Peter? Does that mean something specific because we know that the gates of hell will not overcome the Church and the Church is built on Peter.

The deluge part reminds me of the three days of darkness / chastisement, which was prophesied by some blesseds/approved mystics. (Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, etc). 

40 minutes ago, Josh said:

If I take you seriously I will just become Protestant. Why stay Catholic if what you're saying is the truth? 

Remember the gates of hell will not prevail even if terrible things happen in the Church and the world. I haven't really looked into the secret of Fatima prophesies and situation.. But there are revelations about chastisements from Catholic mystics like Marie Julie Jahenny, Anna Maria Taigi... None of this means to leave the Church. 

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